𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮; 𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓽 𝓓𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻

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King Viserys had declared that the entire family would have dinner the evening of the discussion of Driftmark, and the king's word is law. Which is how Naerys ended up dressed in red silks, sitting at a table full of people who despised each other. Daemon sat at the head of the table down to her right, with Rhaenyra to her husbands right, her two sons to her right, with their pretty Velaryon soon to be wives between them. King Viserys himself sat in the middle of the table, wearing a gold mask to cover his dying flesh, Alicent beside her husband, Halaena next to herself, with Aegon next to Jacaerys, and of course, Naerys beside Aemond. 

The tensions were high, a blind man could tell. Naerys was nervous about this gathering, for all Targaryens were known for their tempers. She picked at her nails underneath the table, a bad habit she had not yet left behind from her childhood. A warm hand grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her other hand, "Stop that." Aemond's voice rung in her ears. She snatched her hand back, narrowing her eyes at him, "You are not my keeper." She bit back.

"So nervous today, niece." Aemond smirked at her, "Behave yourself." She threatened, looking around the table, it appeared she had been nervous for nothing as everyone gathered had been sharing stories and laughing. The sight broke a gentle smile to the princess' face. 

Heads turned when a member of the royal Kingsguard entered the dining hall, "A message for Princess Naerys." The knight announced, her eyebrows furrowed, who could be sending her messages at this time, when all her family was sitting with her.

"From whom?" King Viserys questioned, "Oh yes, who might that be, niece?" Aemond raised an eyebrow, she snapped her head at him, scowling, "From Lord Cregan Stark, your Grace." Naerys could have groaned outloud if it wasn't unbecoming of a Princess, "and what does Lord Stark want?" Naerys' eyes were narrowed, irritation clear as day. 

Chuckling from the end of the table made Naerys' head snap in that direction, who could have possibly found this funny? Rhaenyra Targaryen, there she sat covering her mouth with her napkin, attempting to hold in a chuckle, "I'm sorry, truly" her mother wiped her mouth before coughing trying to suppress the chuckles raising from her belly, "This is your fault, send him home, there is no chance of betrothal." Naerys demanded. At the mention of Naerys' refusal, Aemond smiled to himself, relieved that his princess would not be leaving him for a man so easily defeated in combat.

"The Lord requests your presence for dinner, now." It was Naerys' turn to laugh now, "I am not a dog to be called," she stood up slamming her hands on the table, "Sit down, Naerys." Daemon called from his end of the table, holding his cup of wine, staring her in the face. She maintained eye contact, biting her lip before sitting back down, Halaena turned to Naerys and smiled at her before giving her hand a quick squeeze.

"I say," Aegon started, "No one cares what you say Aegon," Aemond interrupted. Jacaerys snorted into his wine cup at Aemond's remark. Aegon stood up, smirking at his brother, "If Lord Stark would like to dine with a dragon, let him dine with all the dragons." he raised his glass looking around the table, he was found amusing by Naerys' younger brothers, Rhaenyra even, but Aemond, Alicent, and Daemon, all stared him down with no emotion. 

Aemond wanted to grab his brother by his shirt and slam him face first into his cups for even suggesting it, "Very well, send for Lord Stark." Viserys commanded, throwing his hands in the air defeated.

"Grandsire, no!" Naerys cried, Aemond jaw clenched, and his grip on his knife tightened. Daemon Targaryen watched this reaction, staring with knowing eyes. 

"I will have your head Aegon." Naerys declared, " I wouldn't be opposed to giving you my he-"Aegon started, "Aegon." Otto spoke up, Naerys had forgotten he was even there with how quiet he was. 

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now