Chapter 6_The Mother

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Mrs. Bennet presides over breakfast with an endless description of the ball. Mary is doing some writing, whilst Lydia, Kitty and Jane barely eat.

Mrs. Bennet : ...and then he danced the third with Miss Lucas. Poor thing, it is a shame she is not more handsome. There's a spinster in the making and no mistake. The fourth with a Miss King of little standing. And the fifth again with Jane.

Mr. Bennet : If he'd had any compassion for me he would have sprained his ankle in the first set.

Mrs. Bennet : Oh, Mr. Bennet! The way you carry on, anybody would think the girls looked forward to a grand inheritance.

Lizzie rolls her eyes at Mr Bennet, they've heard this speech many times before.

Mr. Bennet : y/n, be so kind as to pass the butter. 

Mrs. Bennet : As you well know, Mr Bennet, when you die, which may in fact be very soon

Mr. Bennet : As soon as I can manage it.

y/n : Papa, if you're going I'm going.

Mrs. Bennet : - our girls will be left without a roof over their head nor a penny to their name.

Lizzie : Oh Mother, please! It's ten in the morning.

Betsy, the maid, enters the room and interrupts Mrs Bennet's babbling.

Betsy : A letter addressed to Miss Bennet, Ma'am. From Netherfield Hall.

Mrs. Bennet : Praise the Lord! We are saved.

—-------------Mrs Hill gives the letter to Jane.-----------------

Mrs. Bennet (cont'd) : Make haste, Jane, make haste. 0 happy day!

Mrs. Bennet takes Jane's toast from her hand and whips her napkin off.

Jane : It is from Caroline.

Mrs. Bennet is stopped in her tracks.

Jane : (cont'd) She has invited me to dine with her. (pause) Her brother will be dining out.

Mrs. Bennet : Dining out?

Jane : Can I take the carriage?

Mrs. Bennet : Out where? Let me see that.

—---------She tweaks the letter from Jane's grasp.---------

Jane : It is too far to walk.

Mrs. Bennet : Unaccountable of him. Dining out, indeed.

Y/n : Mama! The carriage? For Jane?

Mrs. Bennet : Certainly not. She'll go on horseback.

Lizzie & Jane & Y/n : Horseback?


Jane rides through the countryside. A distant rumble of thunder. She looks up...

—---------At the Garden ______

A louder rumble of thunder. Betsy hastily pulls clothes from a line, it's bucketing down heavily now. Lizzie with y/n following behind, runs through the garden. She pulls a towel from the washing line as she passes.

*Entering the house*

Mr. and Mrs. Bennet look out at the pouring rain. Lizzie rushes in with the towel and begins drying her hair with it and so does y/n.

Mrs. Bennet : Excellent. Now she will have to stay the night. Exactly as I predicted.

Mr. Bennet : Good grief, woman. Your matchmaking skills are becoming positively occult.

Y/n : Though I don't think, Mama, you can reasonably take credit for making it rain.

Lizzie : Let's hope she doesn't catch her death.

—--------At NETHERFIELD_____

A footman opens the great doors to find Jane standing there soaked. She sneezes.

—--------- In the Kitchen________

Lizzie reads a letter with y/n reading along in silence beside her. Kitty and Lydia are also present.

Lizzie : "And my kind friends will not hear of me returning home until I am better - but do not be alarmed expecting a sore throat, a fever, and a headache there is nothing wrong with me."

Y/n : I hope you're satisfied, mama. You have risked your eldest daughter of death.

Mr. Bennet : Well, my dear, if your daughter does die it will be a comfort to know it was all in pursuit of Mr Bingley.

Mrs. Bennet : People do not die of colds.

Lizzie : Though she might well perish with the shame of having such a mother.

—-----------Mr Bennet laughs & y/n chuckles a bit though was also in disbelief of her mother's action, but Lizzie is genuinely angry.-------------

LIZZIE: (cont'd) we must go to Netherfield at once.

Y/n : Let's go then shall we.

*They rush standing up and stomping out.*

To be Continued......................................

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now