Chapter 20_Journey to Pemberley

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-------------------IN CHEAPSIDE_GARDINERS HOUSE_________

Lizzie and Y/n walks in and saw their aunt, Mrs. Gardiner. 

Mrs. Gardiner : How fortunate, you are here just in time to catch everybody coming through from Longbourn.

Lizzie :  How's Jane?

[Mrs Gardiner smiles sadly.]

Mrs. Gardiner : She is outside.

 [Through a window Elizabeth sees Jane sitting quietly alone at her needle work. And so, Lizzie and Y/n walks out to the garden to where Jane was sitting quietly doing her needle work. 

Even though Jane can be seen smiling, both Lizzie and y/n can see the sadness in her eyes.]


Jane : I am quite over him.. If he passed in the street I would hardly notice. London is so diverting...

Y/n : Jane...

Jane : It's true! What with the theatre and... But tell me, what news from Kent?

Lizzie : Nothing. 

[There is a crash as all the Bennet's arrive at the house. Kitty rushes into the garden crying her eyes out, she is followed by Lydia and Mrs Bennet.]

Kitty : Lizzie, tell mama, tell her!

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now