Chapter 7_Netherfield

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—-------- On the Road; Countryside to Netherfield_________

Lizzie and Y/n strides across vast muddy fields, slipping as she goes. Netherfield is in view on the horizon. She stops to take it in, then carries on down an even more muddy track.

—-------- In Netherfield; In the Breakfast Room_________

In the large grand dining room Caroline and Darcy are eating breakfast. It's very formal, in fact frigid, compared to the volatile Bennet household. Darcy is reading the newspaper, Caroline is reading a letter.

Caroline (puts down the letter) : Apparently, Lady Bathurst is redecorating her ballroom in the French style. A little unpatriotic, don't you think?

Mr Darcy is about to answer when the door opens. A footman appears, his face rigid with disapproval.

Footman : Miss Lizzie Bennet and Miss Y/n Bennet.

Lizzie and Y/n come in. Her face flushed, their skirt covered in mud. She looks ravishing. Darcy stares at her, then quickly rises to his feet and bow slightly. Y/n returned his gesture and curtsy slightly. Caroline Bingley, astonished, looks them up and down.

Caroline : Good Lord, Miss Bennets. Have you walked here?

Lizzie : We did.

Y/n : Pardon the intrusion, but how is our sister?

Darcy : (more kindly) She's upstairs. (to footman) Show them the way, Alfred.

Y/n : Thank you. *curtsy slightly, then they both leave*


Caroline : My goodness, did you see their hem? Six inches deep in mud. She looks positively mediaeval.

(Darcy did not reply; still standing and staring at where the Bennets' were standing at )

—----------Checking in on Jane__________

Jane : I feel such a terrible imposition. They're being so kind to me.

Lizzie : I don't know who is more pleased at your being here, Mama or Mr Bingley.

Y/n : I think I know which one is more pleased without some kind of condition behind their feeling. Papa even said that mama's "matchmaking skills are becoming positively occult".

*They laughed together, Until a knock came and Mr. Bingley enters the room*

Y/n : Thank you for tending to my sister so diligently.

Lizzie : Yes, She's in far better comfort than at home.

Mr. Bingley : It's a pleasure. I-i mean, it's not a pleasure that she's ill. Of course not. It's a pleasure that she's here, being ill.

—----------Back at the House __________

Mr. Bennet talking to Mr. Hill the manservant about the boar they are luring in the back.

Mr. Bennet : Not going to be famous, our pig. Black on the back, but not related to the learned pig of Norwich. Now that pig is...

* Mrs. Bennet bustles up looking smug. *

Mrs. Bennet : It's all going according to plan. He's head-over-heels already, now all he needs is a little encouragement.

Mr. Bennet : Who is, my blossom?

Mrs. Bennet : Oh don't torment me, Mr Bennet. I mean Mr Bingley, as you well know, and he doesn't mind a bit that she hasn't a penny for he has enough for the two of them.

Kitty and Lydia rush past as the distant sounds of drums and trumpet mingle with the snipping of Giles's shears.

Mrs. Bennet (cont'd) : Wait for me!


To be Continued.........................

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin