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The clock rings as Garam wakes up with the noise. She sat up for a few seconds then stood up to go get ready for another tough day.

She brushed her teeth, She took a shower, She dressed up, She got her stuff ready, and She got out to walk all the way to school.

She remembered that her teacher said that they were going to meet a new transferee and she obviously knew that her classmates were gonna tell the new student things about Garam that aren't true and of course Garam also knows that the new student will believe it and stay away from her.

Later on she arrives at school and goes to her locker to go get her stuff she forgot to take the other day then suddenly a girl slammed her locker shut from the side.

it was her.


Yoo Eun-seo, the school bully.

Everyone is exactly scared of her and is also a reason why she has no friends well she used to have friends before she turned into an insane person. I was one of her old close friends too but after she posted things about my other friend she started to threaten me that she would spread rumors about me bullying her.

Oops my hand slipped
Eunseo said while grinning at me

I just stood there waiting for her to say something again

Aww you're quiet today huh? Here hold this.
She quickly passes me an boxed milk and she pulls out another box of milk and pours it on herself and starts screaming.

Eunseo screams as the other students stared at us and mostly on the boxed milk garam was holding.

I was just standing there embarrassed. I heard the bell ring and eunseo whispered me something.

"Wait until class ends"
Eunseo whispered

aaaaaaaaaaa sorry if this is short 😭😭 ill make the next chapter longer if I can think much :))

Happy new years also! 🤍

Please support my stories and I hope you guys stay healthy!!

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