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-A few months later-

Today your going on a mission and this mission is way better than the others you all have gone on before.

"Finally a decent mission." Kakashi says with a cool tone.

Your mission is to escort a jewly maker and his son to their destination. This should take two day's total.

You arive at your rendezvous point in less than a hour. When you arive your taken by suprise by the sons friendliness.

"What's your name beautiful? I'm Ryu."

The male has a long black ponytail with green eyes and a slight muscular build. He's taken quite the interest in you.

Your other males name is Harashi.

"I'm f/n. It's nice to meet you Ryu."

He surprises you by taking your hand and kissing the back of it.

Obito watches annoyed. He clinches his fist. Why is he getting so upset if he likes Rin? He asks himself this.

"F/n, what a beautiful name. So do you have a boyfriend?"

Obito has a urk mark on his head at this.

"Alright that's enough!" Obito steps infront of you.

Ryu looks between you two.

"O-Oh are you two together? I'm sorry I didn't know."

At this you both blush.

"N-No that's not it! We should just get going!!!"

You look at Obito with a blush on your face.

If only.

"I think we should get moving. Ryu, Harashi  are you ready?" Minato asks

They both nod.

"As long as I get to spend my time with the beautiful f/n."

You sweat drop. Obito glares at the male.

Ryu takes your hand in his but you slide it out.

"Let's just get going."

Obito has been on edge during the whole trip. You on the other hand are taking Ryu with a grain of salt. He's annoying and obnoxious but it's just for a couple a days.

"F/n do you believe in love at first sight?"

You look up at the sky. "I guess, I believe in love."

Ryu nods "Perhaps we should go on a date."

Ryu goes to grab your hand but he's to late as Obito grabs you by the waist pulling you on the other side of him. You blush at the contact.

"Can we just stop the flirting."

You look at Obito to see him clearly bothered.

Why does he care?

"Sounds like someone is jealous." Kakashi blurts out making Obito blush then frowns.

"I-It's not that! I just think— well.."

"See." Kakashi smirks.

You grab obitos hand before he bites back at Kakashi. Obito forgets his anger and blushes at the contact.

"Thank you for looking out for me Obito. I appreciate it." You blush as he looks at you.

Who could blame Ryu for flirting with you, he can't. Or can he?

With Obito POV

Obito can't explain why he feels the way he does. Although he has a idea. He's felt this way for a long time although he is crushing on you he's almost certain his crush on Rin has more meaning. Perhaps he doesn't want to ruin your friendship or he doesn't think you feel the same then again that never stopped him with Rin. Even though he loves you both he can't risk losing you. Perhaps the feeling will just go away.

Still this guy really annoys Obito. Atleast he's not flirting with Rin.

-Back to you-

Ryu stays close by you which only bothers Obito more.

You are very patient with Ryu although your not interested in the slightest.

The trip wasn't as bad as it seems and your half way there by the end of the day.

"Let's set up camp." Minato says.

Rin smiles and stretches "oh yay. Let's get a campfire going."

Minato turns to you. "F/n, Obito you gather firewood and Kakashi and I will hunt for food.

"Rin you watch our guests" he tells Rin.

You look at Ryu who is still on your hip.

"Ryu, stop being a turd and get over here." His father calls.

Ryu sulks but follows his father's orders.

You take Obitos hand breaking his glare from Ryu.

"Come on!"

You pull Obito into the woods.

As you pick up fire wood you make small talk.

"Why don't you just tell that guy off?"

You sigh "Because he's our guest. I'm being nice."

"So you don't like him?"

You laugh and turn to Obito. "Absolutely not! I'm surprised you thought I did!"

Obito sighs in relief "well your just being so nice. I personally don't like it when guys flirt with you."

Obito quickly covers his mouth at what he said.

You blush. "O-Oh. It happens alot though."

"Yeah I know." He frowns.

You laugh "Alright I think we have enough fire wood."

You and Obito walk aback to camp and set up the fire wood.

"Alright how do we light it?" You ask.

Obito snaps his finger "I got it. Stand back."

Obito raises his hand to his mouth  and does a fire ball jutsu to your camp fire. It impresses you how much control he has over it.

"Nice Obito!!" You hug him.

Obito blushes "hehe! Thanks!"

You let go of him and warm up by the fire. Rin joins you with a sigh.

"I wonder how Kakashi and Minato sensei are doing. I'm sure hungry." Rin says.

"I am too."

Ryu steps up beside you. "Your beautiful in the camp fires light."

You look at him with a sigh. Obito looks at him unamused.

Minato and Kakashi reappear infront of you with skinned rabbits. Your mouth waters.

"You found something!" Rin claps.

"Yeah. Let's put it on a stick and get cooking." Obito says.

You laugh. "Right!"

After dinner you all lay out your bed roles. Your by Obito who insisted on the matter because he didn't want you near Ryu.

As you lay down Obito sighs and looks at the stars.

You lay on your back and do the same.

"So beautiful."

Obito turns his head to look at you. He takes in your features. "Y-Yeah."

You smile "Good night Obito."

"Good night F/n."

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now