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You found yourself finished with you mission.

Your now walking the streets of Konoha.

"Maybe I'll fix Obito a lunch and bring it to him."

With this idea in mind you head home.

Your a good cook and Obito loves your cooking especially your chicken and dumplings. It doesn't take too long to make with the right ingredients to which your have.

Once inside your home you get right to cooking. Your one of those humming chefs so the entire time you cook you hum no tune in particular.

As you make your dumplings you can't help but to let your mind wander. It wonders to the baby talk you had with your husband this morning.

Your excited In all honesty, your material juices are oosing. Your only 24 and you think that's the perfect age for your first child.

Smiling you continue your cooking.

It took you a hour but it's done. You place it in a bowl then put a lid on it. The rest you put in the fridge for dinner.

With food in hand you make your way down to the police station. Once there your met with a slightly smiling Itachi.

"I don't suppose you know where my husband is."

"He should be back soon."

You look at your watch to see it's time for lunch.

"F/n!" Obito says running up to you. You smile.

"Obito! I made you some chicken and dumplings."

You hand your husband his food.

He takes it with drool out the side of his mouth.

"And it's still warm! Babe your the best!"

You giggle. "There's more at home."

Obito kisses your forehead.

"It smells good." Itachi says gaining your attention.

"I should have brought enough for everyone." You look down sheepishly.

"Oh no it's okay really." Itachi puts up his hand.

"Thanks again Love. I'm going to go eat." He kisses your lips then scurry's off.

You sigh

"Your bored aren't you?" Itachi asks. You look at him.

"I am. I'll be fine though. See you later Itachi!"

You turn around leaving Itachi to his work. You couldn't think of what you could do to keep busy but you decided on window shopping.

Nothing really interested you until you saw the crib through the plexiglass window.

Decided what the heck you walk into the cute looking baby store.

Thankfully no one greeted you because you wanted to do this alone. You looked at every inch of the store examining everything. When your eyes land on the cute blue booties you let out a awe. They are just so small. You eye then catches a newborn outfit for a baby girl.

To think something could be so tiny.. helpless..pure.. wow.

"It's cute isn't it?"

You jump when the lady behind you speaks to you.

"O-Oh, yes it is."

She looks at you with knowing eyes.

"Let me guess, your trying to have a baby? It's a beautiful thing!"

You gap at her "Y-Yes, I saw the crib and just got drawn in."

"That's just fine, Your not the first."

You blush and then look at the newborn outfit again.

"I should go."

The lady steps up to you. "Your welcome to stay and look around. It really helps get the maternal juices going."

You look around. "It's nice in here. You have a lovely shop."

She giggles "thank you. Here come with me."

She places her hand on your back and then guides you to the front of the store.


She nods to a white rocking chair in the corner.


She sits you down much to your dismay. When you sit you lean back and instantly melt into the chair.

"O-oh wow. This is..nice."

The woman giggles "stay as long as you like."

You slowly rock back and forth.

You close your eyes and sigh out.

-with Obito-

Obito had just finished his meal but had to get to work. As Obito patrols the streets he stops at a shop seeing a familiar figure in the window.
He watches as you rock back and forth in a white rocking chair with a smile on your face.

He then gets a great idea...

-back to you-

After some time you decided to leave.

"Thank you for letting me stay, I really should be going."

The woman bows her head to you. "Come back at any time."

Once out of the store you wander to the training grounds were you grew up.

You stayed there for quite sometime until you decided to go home. Obito should be home by now.

It wasn't a long venture home and when you arive your just excited to meet your husband. Obitos home since the doors unlocked, you slowly open the door then step inside.

"I'm home."

Obito sits on the couch "welcome home, how was your day?"

Smiling you look up from taking your shoes off and freeze.

"What the heck is that?!"

In the corner of the room is the white rocking chair you were sitting in hours ago.

"I saw you enjoying yourself in it. I figured you're gonna need that to rock our many baby's to sleep."

You smirk and sway to Obito. He stands up and pulls you into his arms.

"Many babies huh? You know what I like."

Obito laughs "Oh just wait." He plants a kiss on your neck.

Giggling Obito leads you to your shared bed.

"You Rock my world Obito."

Obito looks at you "I haven't started yet."

You both laugh as he lays you down.

Your husband loves you and he will show you as many times as it takes.

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now