Ch. 2.1

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I close my bedroom door before quickly unlocking and opening my window. I sit on my bed and anxiously bounce my leg up and down before all of a sudden, Embry slides through my window like a ninja.
"Wher-Actually, never mind." I say, remembering that he's a werewolf. He chuckles before closing and locking my window after that, he walks over and joins me on my bed. "So...explain." I encourage him and he rolls his eyes at my persistence.
"So...there's this thing that happens to some of us, it's said to be rare but it's happened to almost every one of us, so I don't really know about that. It's where this person becomes our everything, gravity isn't holding us here, she is. She's my everything and I'll be anything she wants...a protector, a friend, or a lover." He says, his eyes never wavering from mine.
"Sounds like you've met her." I whisper as we lean in.
"Yeah, she's amazing," he whispers, "stubborn as a mule, but still pretty amazing." I chuckle at that and close the gap in between us.
Things somehow escalate to where I'm laying on my back with Embry over me. Just as my hand grabs his hair, the door opens.
"Elli-" Dad's voice breaks us apart and we jump back, both blushing as red as tomatoes. "Embry, I didn't know you were here." Dad says and Embry gulps.
"Did I not mention that?" I chuckle out and dad looks at me causing me to stop. "So, what'd you want?" I ask, trying to change the subject.
"Bella says you pushed her." He says, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe.
"Tattletale." I mutter and Embry chuckles.
"What was that?" Dad asks.
"Nothing," I quickly say, "she shoved Embry first. You always taught me to stick up for people." I say and he opens and closes his mouth like a fish.
"If I leave what I walked in on, will you promise not to push your sister again." He settles on that and it seems like a pretty good deal.
"You drive a hard bargain, but I'll take it." I say and he smiles before turning to Embry.
"I'm a cop, I have a gun." He says and Embry straightens up causing me to smile, dad turns to me and says, "Door stays open."
"Cracked?" I ask, pulling the puppy dog eyes out.
"Fine." He grumbles before cracking the door and going to his bedroom.
"He's scary." Embry sighs, laying down before pulling me with him.
"You're a werewolf." I remind the boy and he shrugs,
"I still don't want to be shot." This causes me to bust out laughing, imagining my father shooting at a huge wolf. "Oh, hush." He says, before kissing my cheek which turns my laughs into giggles.
"Does your mom know?" I ask the question that I've been wondering for a bit.
"No, Sam said I could tell her since we fight a lot about the whole 'gang' thing, but it's not just my secret to tell, so I chose to keep her out of it." He says and I can see the sadness in his eyes when he mentions fighting with his mother. I caress his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his cheek bones and his eyes flutter closed.
"If you ever need a break, you can always come here." I whisper and he turns and kisses my hand.
"Thank you, but there's something else you need to know." He says and I drop my hand.
"There's more?" I ask, between werewolves and imprints, I don't know how much more my brain can handle.
"Yeah," he chuckles, "we were created for a reason. To protect our people from what we call the 'cold ones', which means vampires." He says and I cape open-mouthed at him.
"There's vampires?" I whisper, hoping to keep my voice down so Bella and dad don't hear.
"Yeah, and know them." He says and my eyes widen even more, I believe they will soon fall out of my eye sockets. "The Cullens are vampires. And Bella knows, she has for awhile from what we understand." He tells me and I fall out of bed in shock. "Elle!" He calls, reaching out to catch me, but fails.
"Ow!" I whisper, climbing back on the bed.
"Bella was dating a dead person, like consensually?" I ask, "I mean to each his own, but necrophilia?" I whisper and Embry shakes with laughter.
"I love you." He chuckles out and both our eyes go wide at his confession.
"I assume you didn't mean to blurt that out?" I ask and he shakes his head in response. "Well, even though it was poor timing since what I had just said, I love you too, Embry Call." I confess, leaning down and connecting muy lips with his.

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