Ch. 2.8

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Well, I asked dad not to tell Renee or Bella of my pregnancy and he agreed, saying that it was my decision and he will support it.
Embry has told the pack and they all congratulated us, even Jacob. He's calmed down since Quil phased, forgiving me for not telling him.
I'm currently at school as Mia and Trix whisper argue over who's going to be the favorite aunt - yeah, I told them right after Embry left for patrol after telling Dad, they were elated at the news.
I see Bella and Edward walk over to Bella's friends before they disperse, both Bella and I spotting Jake.
"I'll let you two settle this, I'm gonna go talk to Jake." I tell my friends but am ignored as they continue to argue. I reach Jake at the same time as my sister, before I can say anything he hugs her before turning to glare at Edward, pulling me to his side in a protective stance.
"I'm here to warn you, if your kind ever cross our land again-"
"What are you talking about?" Bella interrupts him as I, too, am confused.
"You didn't tell her?" Jacob asks Edward.
"She's not apart of this, Jacob." Edward seethes.
"She's the one the redhead wants." Jake says and Bella gasps.
"What's going on, Jake?" I ask him, confused as Embry hasn't told me anything.
"After school, come straight to Emily's. Stay there until Embry or one of us takes you home. It's safer away from them." Jacob tells me, only confusing me further.
"Okay, I got to get to class." I say, walking away and joining my friends on the way to our first class.

Third Person

After Ellie is out of ear-shot, Jacob invited Bella back to the rez with him. Not wanting Ellie to come because she doesn't need to miss school.
Bella quickly accepts, ignoring her boyfriend and joining the lovesick wolf on his motorcycle.
Once they reach the house of Emily Young, all of the boys in the pack except for Seth Clearwater, come running out.
After they joke about Jacob's inner monologue, Embry is about to crack on more but is cut short by Jacob saying,
"Shut it, pops." Embry is stunned speechless as are the rest because Bella isn't supposed to know, the pack just hopes she doesn't catch on. Before anyone can say anything, Leah Clearwater comes out.
"Bella, this is Leah, Harry's daughter." Jacob introduces.
"Hey, I'm sorry about your dad." Bella says, not sounding remorseful at all.
"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, leave." Leah spits out before walking towards the trees, phasing, and running off.
"Ignore her, come on." Jake pulls Bella away, walking with her to Sam's she'd where Jake works on vehicles from time-to-time.
"What was with her?" Bella asks Jacob as they enter his shed.
"Wolf love triangle."
"What? With who?"
"Sam was with Leah before Emily. Emily and Leah are cousins, he was actually going to propose to Leah." Jake tells the eldest Swan without any hesitation.
"What a sick." Bella sighs and Jake shakes his head.
"Sam can be one, but it's not like that. Sam imprinted on Emily, like Embry did with Ellie. We can't control who we imprint on or when. Just ask Quil." Jake chuckles, remembering how Emily threatened the boy when she found out he imprinted on her niece.
"He's imprinted?" Bella asks, shocked.
"Yeah, on Emily's niece."
"What's wrong with that?" Bella asks, not understanding the point of Jake telling her.
"Claire's two years old." Jake sighs out.
"That's disgusting." Bella gags.
"It's not like that, Bella, Quil wouldn't be alive if it was. We're whatever the imprintee wants us to be...a friend, a brother, a protector, or a lover. The imprintee decides, not us. Quil is basically Claire's best friend older brother. He's the only one that lets her dress them up and play princesses." Hale chuckles as the image of Quil with badly applied children's make up on paired with a tiara on his head.
Bella nods her head, not fully understanding but understanding enough that Quil has no romantic feeling for the little girl. As a silence falls between them, Bella thinks back to something jake said that piqued her interest.
"Earlier you called Embry 'pops', why?" She asks, curious, as far as she knew Embry didn't have a kid.
"Yeah, can we just forget about that?" Jake asks but Bella quickly shakes her head, urging the boy to tell her what he knows. "Ellie didn't want you to know, but she's pregnant."
"What?!" Bella yells, angry and slightly hurt that her sister didn't tell her.

"Dad?" Bella calls, walking into the kitchen to see him setting the dinner table while Ellie is preparing the meal.
"Yeah, Bells?"
"Ellie's pregnant." Bella says and just as she finishes speaking, Ellie freezes before turning.
"How'd you find out?" Ellie grits out, already planning to either kill Edward or Jacob, knowing only those two would blab.
"Jacob told me. Why didn't you?" I'm going to kill that bitch.
"Maybe because I don't have to tell you shit. Nor do I want to. And before you think you can get me in trouble, dad already knows." Ellie yells, turning the stove off before storming away and leaving the house.
"Ell-" Charlie calls but is cut off by the front door slamming shut. "Bella-"
"You knew? And didn't tell me?"
"Ellie is eighteen and it's her child. Her decision. And when's you even see Jacob?"
"You know what, never mind. I'm gonna clean this up before going to the diner to get supper."


I speed towards La Push, arriving at Emily's cutting the twenty minute trip down to ten. I slam the door shut and storm inside.
"Elle?" I ignore Embry's confused tone, storming up to Jacob and hitting him in the face with the glass mug I sneakily grabbed off of the counter. Once I do, I'm pulled back by Embry.
"You're such a little bitch!" I scream.
"She asked." Jake sighs, signaling to everyone that he's calm. Emily passes him a paper towel to wipe the blood from his face.
"She asked! You are such a lovesick bitch, that it's pathetic. She doesn't want you! She'd rather fuck a corpse than go on a date with you!" I yell out, wanting to hurt him as much as I have been hurt by his betrayal. He's always chosen Bella over me and I'm done.
"Shut up." He grits and before I can continue he runs out of the house.
"You stupid son of a bitch!" I scream, trying to run after him but am not able to get out of Embry's hold.
"Calm down, what's going on?" Embry whispers in my ear as I thrash around.
"Bella knows because of him. I'm done with him. Let me go, I wanna go home." I grit out, thrashing more.
"Take her home, Embry." Sam tells him and Embry walks me out of the house, keeping a strong enough hold that I can't run off and go looking for the bitch. Once we're inside the car, Embry speaks,
"No. I'm don't with him. If he wants to chose her, then he can, but I am done being only good enough when she's not around." I tell him and he nods his head, driving away. I know this hurts him, his best friend and his lover fighting, but I truly don't care. I don't care because Jacob chose this, he made his choice and now, I'm making mine.

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