Chapter 8 Who Are These Guys???

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  Jane felt real comfortable sleeping, drooling just a bit but after sleeping for sometime she felt some skin touching her and she woke up pretty quick her eyes widened to see.. Y/N cuddling her just sleeping silently. She blushed a bit "Why does..he look damn..cute.." She said before looking up hearing the door handle. "! Shit this looks bad..-" "Give me.. two..more min..zzz.." The door opened to Mary seeing.. Jane and Y/N, sleeping together. Jane in panties and a bra and Y/N had a shirt that wasn't all the way buttoned the way, his bandages still visible. "I thought you were just dropping off a bag..did you-" Mary said thinking if Jane really did the deed with him. "Aah! No no I didn't!! Quit!" Jane said loud flustered so Y/N finally woke up a little drowsy before looking around. "Mary when you get here..? What time is it-" The time read 12:57pm "Almost 1pm but do you have some explaining to do?" Mary asked laughing. "Mary that isn't funny I wouldn't do that when he's trying to recover." "Oh so you're saying you would have if he's healed." "!! That's not!-" Jane chimed in fast before Y/N started blushing. "Wait you would?!-" Jane put a hand over Y/N's mouth. "He was so kind to let me sleep here because he didn't want me driving home sleepy. He said he wouldn't sexualize me for what I wear to bed to get comfy so.. originally he was faced the other side but I woke up to him cuddling." Mary just smiled. "That's adorable. But Y/N we or..just me had some questions to ask you." "About..?" "
You said muffled and then Jane moved her hand off his mouth. "Favorite ice cream!" "Oh It's Y/F." (Made that up, basically meaning Your favorite.) "Ooh interesting..okay what about your favorite color?" "Y/F." Mary nodded and was typing in her phone. She'd ask you more and other random questions. "Is related?" "? Oh of course not it's a survey. They'll be some changes around and the most voted will be the aura theme of the month." To be fair it's the 12th of November a Thursday morning, or actually evening. "Oh I see..that's pretty cool." Jane just signed having a smile before she got up. "Sorry to quit being your cuddle bug but I gotta get going." She said going to get her clothes. Y/N sat up looking at the two of them. "Aah! Jane!" Jane was putting her pants on and put her shirt over her shoulder looking back at him lifting an eyebrow. Y/N held his phone out to her. "I'm gonna get both of your phone numbers. I should be out of here in at least three days or so." Y/N said, Jane looked and stared before shrugging. "Why not?" She would then enter her contact in, putting her name, ✨Jane✨ she just decided to take a quick selfie for her contact photo. Then she handed his phone back and then Y/N handed it to Mary. Then she put her contact info in. ✨🫶✌️Mary!❤️✨🫶✌️ "Had anyone made the joke about the marvel character Mary Jane?" "A lot, I find it funny so I dye my hair red for Halloween." Mary giggled handing him his phone back and he checked his phone seeing a message from Ruby. It was her In a plane with a headset a blanket and some snacks making a goofy face with her tongue out, with the capture saying. '13 hours babeyyyy woo!' you smiled and hearted the image before setting his phone down. "So one of my friends were gonna apply as well." Jane put her shirt on before lifting an eyebrow. "A woman don't worry. We'll tag team night shifts and we have a plan!" "Oh what's that gonna be?" "You'll see when it happens but she'll be crashing with me." Y/N said as his phone buzzed and he checked it seeing a text message from Katherine. You gulped before opening it. 'Hey baby boy, just checking in on you, you okay?' 'Yeah, I'm fine honest I feel like I'm getting my energy back.' "So how do you guys feel about Katherine?" Y/N asked before Jane shrugged. "I don't hate her why?" "I love hanging out with her, and bond watching romances tv shows and be hopeless romantics." "Ah..she just makes me feel unable to breathe sometimes." "She's really good at being seductive. One time we went out to eat and she seduced the waiter so well he ended up having us pay for half the bill, like gave us a discount. She's powerful..don't end up being her pet okay?" Jane said before laughing as she got her shoes on and headed to the door. "Well I'm out of here. It Y/N thanks." "No problem Jane, I hope we can continue being better friends!" "Hah..yeah. let's go Mary." Mary nodded as both of them left. Mary started vibrating "are you vibrating..?" Jane asked before she nodded. "Sorry that's my phone." She pulls it out answering it. "Hello Mairusu?" 'Hey I'm sorry did you want to join me and picking up these new girls? It won't take too long I gotta get some construction workers to get another stage built.' "Oh I would would I..?" 'Don't worry I rented a truck and I got the gps set. Are you up for it?' "Sure Ill be fun." 'ill meet you there.' the phone call ends. "You need a ride?" "No I'll be fine." Jane shrugged. "Suit yourself and be careful. I'm gonna go home. "I'll see you later." Mary waved as she went for the elevator and Jane went down the stairs and they parted ways.
Mairusu's pov.
He was looking at a clipboard reading a list of things he was gonna add and put into this area and the new girls he smirked knowing this plan should work well. Before hearing someone walk over and he turns his head and saw Mangle with a smile her lil fang showing. "Ah hello Mangle are you excited to have other girls here?" "I'm..gonna try my best to make friends with them." "That's good." Mairsus pats and rubbed her head. "Well Mary is gonna help me gather and set them up, it shouldn't take long. Question, you wouldn't mind your hair being dyed right?" "..? No I suppose not." She said with honestly. "Then all will go well." He checked his watch it's been a few minutes since he called Mary and so conveniently walked in. "There you are. I'm guessing you're ready?" "Of course." Mairusu handed her the keys. "I would of have Y/N do it but..y'know." He said and then came to ask. "So when will he come back?" "He has a good two/three days of recovering and he'll be back sir." She said with a positive look. "That's good..the changes will still be in effect but everytime will be slightly different when he gets back." 'we may have to steal him before then, the girls might be shut off during their changes and the party will be ruined.' "Got it. So how many am I bringing back if I can ask?" "Quite a few. I think five. You'll be fine though." "Got it. I'll be back Mairusu." Mary said and started walking off.
Now we're at Mary's pov.
Mary always knew how to drive, she was in the process of saving for a car but she usually liked walking around. Being oblivious sometimes not understanding how dangerous it can be, as Jane warns her constantly. She unlocked the truck getting inside of it and there was a piece of paper on what to put in the gps. "Alright, this is gonna be a long car ride." She turnt on the radio but then she texted Vincena. 'Favor?' she sat there waiting for a response before she texted back. 'Shoot.' 'I Need you to kidnap Y/N. So we can throw the party before they start changing up the place. So probably tomorrow night because they'll be shut off getting their own individual changes okay?' 'Uhh..I'll try my best.' Vincena texted and once she got that text she put her phone down and started to drive. It was a 23 minute drive and once she got there she saw some men in uniforms and one of them had a clipboard and came close to the window as Mary pulled up and Mary rolled the window down. "Yesss?" "Pick up for Mairusu right?' "That's correct." "Alright miss we'll load your truck up nicely. You'll be sent back with two of our men because Mairusu actually borrowed this from us so we'll drive it back no problem when we load the girls into the pizzeria." "That helps a lot, thank you sir." She said and laid back letting them work their magic. It took awhile but it did feel many was it..? 6 or 7..? Mary lost count after they came back and forth in the truck. Then they closed the truck as one guy sat in the back and one guy got in the passenger. "All ready?" "Yes ma'am, let's go." Mary started to drive off goin back to the pizzeria. "So how many are they?" "Seven. Mairusu told me we'd need some replacements while the girls get their style changed. Some girls to be perfect on stage until they're done." "Oh I see that's nice. I was just wondering." The drive back sent safely and went smoothly. Once they arrived back the two guys would start putting the new girls into the pizzeria, back in party's and service except for one, it was a big box in Prize corner. Made you lift an eyebrow being completely curious. Once all that was done the guys waved saying their goodbyes and left, then Mary sent up to Mairusu. "Gonna let me in on the new girls?" "Of course, you helped after all let's start with prize corner." He walked over and Mary followed. Both of you stared at the box and then Mairusu cranked something on the side of it. The top of the box opening and she slowly rises out, she had white hair and had white skin with a black suit on what it seemed like, she opened her eyes and looked at the two. "Welcome to prize corner, how may I help you kids?" She said before realizing adults were actually attended and could be her new owners. "My apologies you aren't children. I believe you are the boss I was told about?" She was tall when she stood up in her box.

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