Chapter 8 Part Two. (DAMMIT YOU DID IT AGAIN?!)

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"Well well well, if it isn't the son of the man who put my dad's store out of business. Must say I'm impressed you're doing so well running this with minor assistance from your father." The man in the purple said to Mairusu. "If it isn't the guy who claimed to be better than me even during our school years. My rival in the flesh, Micheal." Mairusu said lifting his eyebrow. "What exactly brings you here? Planning to snatch some ideas and build up your father's pizzeria again?" "We actually decided to work on something else. A horror attraction for the kids and teens to go through some sort of scary maze. But that's been put on hold and I've decided, I'll be one to assist you with anything here as a worker. Not a spy." He said putting a hand on his own chest as Mairusu put his clipboard down on a nearby table. "You know that sounds sketchy doesn't it?" "Well don't you need a nightguard to watch over the place?" Micheal asked Mairusu. "Well..we already have one." "That's right, I forgotten he's in the hospital, no?" "He should be coming back soon." Mairusu said with confidence but became to think. "Well..I don't see it hurting to have someone else help around the store. Due to your mechanic skills and mine we can patch up more things here." "Why yes, indeed so. See? We could work together just fine." He said smiling. Mairusu put his hand out. "Fine I'll do it. But this handshake will be a truce to do nothing weird." Micheal shook his hand. "Sounds like a deal. I'll start checking around the place tomorrow, I'm off to do other things now have a good day." He said walking out the pizzeria leaving Mairusu clueless. "At least he can help me keep up the buildings security here. Maybe a silence trespassing alarm to alert the police silently and immediately to catch them off guard. I'm not too sure. Now I have to check in with the girls and have them go into the backstage." Mairusu got his clipboard and then went up to the main stage seeing the girls back on stage but Freddy looked exhausted. " Nedd bear really related to me??" Mairusu started to laugh. "No wonder you seem tired, you had to keep up didn't you?" "'s like having a drunk Jane around." Freddy said as chica chimed in. "So they'll be taking our spots momentarily while we get our upgrades?" Mairusu would nod. "it'll take a bit, but not too long, we plan to add them an area and stage to help and welcome more performance." "I can't wait!! Will I get a bigger guitar?!" Bonnie asked bouncing as Mairusu playfully rolled his eyes and nods. "You'll get a bigger guitar." Bonnie cheers jumping up and down more. "So Mairusu what will these upgrades be?" "That'll be a secret, don't worry you'll obviously still have your memories you'll just be going into..let's say hibernation basically." Mangle peaked over Mairusu's shoulder lifting an eyebrow. It made Mairusu flinch but Foxy was doing the same thing. "Arrgh. Just tell us." Foxy asked before Mairusu turned around." Well that now you all are here it's time to go to the backstage area, they're coming tomorrow. Shoo shoo."
Chica's eyes widened realizing something but had a plan. Eventually the main five were brought to the backstage area and Mairusu would power off the girls one by one before Chica stopped him before hand. "Aah.. Mairusu wait-" "? Something wrong Chica?" "I'll power myself off, don't you remember what happened last time?" "Oh dear..I must of forgot what happened?" "I started sparking and may have accidentally hurt someone with that and got a battery shortage, I'll handle this one for the night okay?" Mairusu nodded. "Alright I understand, well I'll see you next time." He walked out as Chica laid back sighing amazed she pulled that off. 'Y/N is coming tonight if we were all powered down..wouldn't the new girls attack him the same way we did? No way..I'll power the others back on around get this party started..geez.." Chica sat there and just waited idly.
But time passes by..the time was around at least 10:45.
"You WHAT?!" Vincena exclaimed before Katherine hushed her. "Hey it's nighttime keep your voice down." "But after hearing that?!" Vincena motioned towards Jane holding a bag and some rope. But Jane had a witch outfit on. "Can't kidnap without major cosplay." Mary had a sweat drop. "Why are we doing it this way anyway?" "We have to sneak him out and back in so he won't get in trouble. And nerds like cosplays these days so Katherine is gonna record, Mary is gonna fall into acting and Vincena you are on look out for security and such. Got it? Alright let's go." Jane headed for the hospital as the other girls but Vincena followed. "You two really are following her plan??" Mary turns back. "It's pretty silly but it's fun!"
Vincena stood there before reluctantly following behind them.
Meanwhile Y/N was texting Ruby. 'so I'll be there like around 3am the latest 3:30.' 'i see..please be safe I might be asleep when you stop by but my keys are in my bag.' 'Hey goof I said I'll crash with you so I'll chill I'm your room.' 'if you insist. I'm gonna head to bed.' 'Goodnight and see you later!' Y/N smiled before turning his phone off and laid down getting comfortable. "Tomorrow I'll be let" he said before drifting off to sleep. But back to our girls.
" the night draws nearer the witch needs a sacrifice." Katherine was pretending to record as Mary jumped in. "Oh mother Jane..I know where a sacrifice is! Follow meeEee.." Mary headed for the stairs, security would lift an eyebrow but the nurses would giggle and laugh watching. "People can be so oblivious.."She said and followed them to the stairs. Vincena was behind and checked behind her seeing security was keeping an extra eye on them just to be.. 'cautious.' "Guys we better hurry this up.." Vincena said and looked Infront of her to see the three already gone and heard the door for the third floor close and Vincena quickly rushed up the stairs.
"Alright Mary you're gonna help me Carry him." Mary nodded and Katherine looked around for Vincena but she eventually came around. "Shh." Katherine put two fingers to her lip and slowly opened the door. Jane smirked and would very slowly tie Y/N's legs and hands together and Mary poked some holes in the bag before putting it over his head slowly.
Vincena watched in utter shock. "We really had to be extra about this..?" "Wouldn't it be boring the normal way?" Vincena rolled her eyes as Jane held Y/N bride style as Mary made a decoy of pillows and put the blanket over it and went over to help Jane. "Let's roll out.' Jane said as the four make their way out, now this time Katherine making comments. "Now that we have our sacrificeeee..we must be on our merry wayyy." "Hold it." A security guarded walked over looking at the four carrying a body.
The four girls looked in shocked and was gonna panick. Mary broke shortly after"
Sir i'm so sorry we just!-"
". . Hey it's pretty late..could you guys..keep it down a bit? Also keep recording to a minimum we don't want anything bad happening okay? If anyone else gives you problems just say the phrase, Tommy has it covered." He said and walked off and Vincena almost had a heartattack. "Never..fucking again." "Come on Vincena the elevator is right there." They'd make it to the elevator and pressed the bottom floor the four of them kinda squeezed in holding Y/N still. "Y'know.. this guy sleeps hard, at least we'll have energy for the party. ..speaking of which.." Jane checked her watch. "it's 11:09.."
Chica would turn the other girls on them waking up one by one. "..what happened did we change yet?" Bonnie asked before looking at the others. "Hurry we gotta get the preparations ready! They're coming tonight and if we all powered off this would get bad." The girls would nod and one by one they left the backstage to decorate and get things ready.
Back to the girls, well the others.
"Ooo this is a spooky late night scary hospital video guys but we have our sacrifice and will be leaving shortly..stay spooOooky.." Katherine said in a ghostly voice as the nurses would giggle and talk among their selves wondering what they were doing and what their channel was. Either way they successfully escaped stealing Y/N now Jane gave Y/N to Mary. "Don't drop him-" Mary held him kinda shaking, Jane opened her truck. "Okay okay this is too much!! He can fit back here with us." Vincena pretty much demanded thinking the immature play was going on too long. "What a turn off. Alright fine fine." Jane took the outfit off having some casual clothes under putting it in the truck and she takes Y/N holding him and went to the backseat door opening it. Katherine got in and pats her lap it being available to hold Y/N as Vincena got in on the other side, Jane put Y/N on Katherine's lap and she shut the door getting in the driver seat. "Heist complete." She said as Mary got in the passenger seat. "Now off we go." "Vincena I can't believe you guys let her talk you three into that." Katherine said. "Oh by the way I was actually recording, gotta make memories somehow." Katherine added and Jane turns the music up just a bit now on their way to the pizzeria. "Is it me or is today a little darker..-" Jane said squinting her eyes before Mary quickly pointed out. "Jane!! Speedbump!-" "?! Ah shit!-" Jane stepped on the breaks making the car go a little over the speed limit for the speedbump either way they got a tiny short bit of airtime but it was still a bump but there was a problem now. "..!! Aah! What's going on?! I can't see anything!" Y/N woke up due to the speedbump. "Oh poor boy.." Mary said and Katherine took the bag off his head. "..! A-am a dream..? Katherine isn't gonna forgive me for dreaming about her.." Y/N said as Jane spoke."Nope, this is real." "..? Jane?" "We're all here." Vincena chimed in and Y/N tried to move but started blushing. "So..what am I getting kidnapped for..and why am I tied up??"
"I got hella bored so I made sneaking you out the hospital more interesting." Katherine smiled after Jane spoke. "You look cute when your confused and oblivious." Katherine teased as Y/N blushed heavy and looked away. "So the girls wanted to celebrate your heroic actions before they get put away." Jane said before Y/N lightly panicked"They're getting replaced?!" Mary would giggle and quickly reassured him. "Mairusu wanted to..let's say upgrade their appearance." "Oh I wonder you asked those questions.."Y/N said as Vincena looked over. "So..are you alright?" "They did everything usually I just have to keep it bandaged and wait a bit, so if anything I'm slower." Y/N said looking as his stomach area and Katherine smiled. "Well you dished out punishment and the girls want to congratulate you so feel happy." Y/N smiled before slowly realizing. "So wait..when am I going back?" "I dunno, got some nurse to meet?" Jane asked before laughing. "N-no-! Ruby..-" "Ruby? Oh is it that girl you mentioned that was going to assist you?" Mary asked as Y/N nodded. "Yeah..I think she was gonna be there around like three or four..I dunno." "Ah shit she might report you missing. I think it'll be fine don't worry we'll figure it out." Jane said giving a thumbs up.
Back to the animatronics again.
Chica brought a cake with Y/N's favorite flavor and Bonnie was putting decorations around. Freddy was adjusting the speakers.
Foxy was making a run but she ran into Fredbear, she lifted an eyebrow and Foxy did the same. "Problem?" Foxy asked. "I was told you girls were supposed to be turnt off, what's going on?" "You aren't gonna snitch are you? Anyway it's nothing we're celebrating something before we officially are gone for a little while." She said walking past Fredbear watched her go and leaned on her hip as Happy Frog walks up beside Fredbear. "So-so..what are they doing..?" She asked as Fredbear crossed her arms. "Not fully sure, looks like a party, maybe for the girls that work here to celebrate some sort of thing who knows?" Fredbear shrugs. "There's a lot of think they'll let us join?" Fredbear she waved as she turnt around. "You can, I may watch from a distance but I have some business to attend too." She said walking off.
BB was placing balloons around. "This enough? I can always make more." Mangle put a box down full of some decorations Bonnie was putting up. "Uhm.. BB..I always wondered how you always have you produce them or.." "Oh you know how woman hide money in their bra?" She reached into her chest and pulled out a balloon blew into it and then started make a balloon animal? Oh no she didn't she made a dick shape. "! BB!!" Foxy was laughing from a distance and BB laughed right after before popping it. "I couldn't resist I haven't done that in awhile." Mangle flinched and squeaked when it popped and Bonnie fell on the ground startled but got up afterwards. Freddy chuckled as she sat down on the stage sighing. "You think they're on their way? Or do you think..Y/N is like.." "I'm positive he's fine Freddy it wasn't that deep of a sound was it?" Chica asked as she shrugged and heard a distant car pulling up. "Mangle dim the lights." Mangle took out this remote thing for the lights and dimmed then and she went under a table. The other girls decided to hide. Happy Frog didn't get the moment and kinda just approached the table where the food and stuff was and observed for the main part.
Jane closed the door, stretching her body afterwards as everyone else got out the car, well mostly Katherina was holding Y/N bridal style. "C-can I be untied now.." "Can we please do that?" Vincena suggested as Mary walked over pulling out a pocket knife and cut the rope. "You carry a pocket knife? Sick." Jane said and Katherine was surprised. "Mary you of all people carry that?" "I like walks, people can be creepy..Soo." Mary put it away shrugging as Katherina sent Y/N down. "You're really light you know?" "Y-yeah don't rub it in-"
Vincena then started to walk to the door. "Let's get this party on the road!" She opened the door walking in and Mary followed in, then Katherine..Jane and then Y/N and everyone realized the lights were almost off. "Oh this is odd, Mairusu didn't shut the place down did he?" Mary asked."Aah.. we're too late I didn't get to say bye-" Y/N said as suddenly the lights turn on. Bonnie hopped on a table and struck a string on her guitar. "Y/N!! We welcome you as a lord and savior!- Waah!-" she jumped on a paper plate and tried walking but she fell again and Chica popped from behind a corner and motioned to the table but looked behind seeing Happy Frog stealing a slice of pizza before running and hiding under a table. "Aw what?!" Y/N was kinda stunned and kinda laughed at Bonnie, but was confused who the hell the frog girl was? Freddy hops off the stage and Foxy, Mangle came out to reveal themselves carrying BB. "Welcome to the party. As queen I present you as. ..I forgot the line." "As loyalty and royalty to your passion of the pizzeria.." Mangle whispered and BB snapped her fingers nodding. "Yeah that!"
"This is great Chica you really showed out this time." Jane said resting a hand on her own hip leaning slightly. "Well he deserves this." Chica said before looking at Y/N. "So..who was that frog girl?" Y/N asked before lifting an eyebrow. "So..there's new animatronics to replace us as we got our upgrades. We aren't supposed to be active now but we wanted to do this before you got out!" Bonnie finally got up chiming in after Chica. "We truly appreciate your actions and wanted to see if you're doing well!!" Foxy set BB down and walked over to Y/N noticing the bandages up area. "They say scars make you tougher. Do you feel that way?" Foxy asked before Y/N stood up tall. "It reminds me of wasn't that bad to defend this place and I wouldn't mind getting one again." Katherine's heart fluttered hearing that and looked at Vincena. "He is so fucking cutee.." Vincena blushed just watching. "He's really nice he didn't deserve what happens at all." Mary nodded giggling agreeing with the two. "That doesn't mean get reckless, next time for sure you'll have weapons to defend yourself properly. Don't be crazy you aren't invincible. Sorry to rain on the party." Mary reminded. "No, You're right..I gotta be more careful so I don't worry them no more." Foxy smiled before heading to the table sitting down. Freddy this time approached Y/N, He was a little nervous but Freddy placed a hand on his head before ruffling his hair. "I..y'know how sorry I am, I didn't mean to make things harder than it was. Your actions were appreciated. I know you hear it a lot but.." "I wouldn't blame you, if I was in your situation, what matters is that you notice the changes and take the chance to change your opinion on things." He said before sitting down by Foxy, Bonnie sat down across from them Jane stayed leaned against a wall as Freddy looked at Jane. "He charmed you too?" Jane's face slowly heated up before turning away. "Shut up." Freddy started to laugh. Foxy looked at Y/N and he looked back and Foxy smirked leaning a bit close to him. "I still owe you for helping my sister out twice y'know~" Y/N gulped before starting to blush heavy. But heard someone else approach him and looked back seeing Mangle, who pretty much hugged him. "U-uhm..thank you very much.."she said not able to contain her timidness as Y/N reached and pat her on the head. "You're welcome but let's try to enjoy the time here and not to reflect back on the bad." He smiled as Mangle nodded and everyone got to sit down.
A specific someone watched from a far clenching her fist. "I've been.. warned about him. I'll save them no problem." She was in the shadows her emerald green eyes flash slightly.
The end.
(3250 words.)

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