Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Wounds

At around 2:00 am Gotham Police City Headquarters - Jonas Cane was sipping a cup of warm chocolate while he was sitting on a chair.

Jonas Cane decided to adopt the name of the body that he was currently inhabiting. According to the Eye, he was currently suffering from amnesia. He decided to trust the Eye since it seems his Patron wasn't one to lie. If it was the Web, Spiral, or Stranger, then those Patrons may indeed lie to him.

" Jonas? "

While he was sipping the warm chocolate, (that for some reason despite being sweet, warm, and delicious, didn't sate his appetite) the Miss Police Officer in front of him called Jonas.

" Yes? "

Jonas stared at Miss Police Officer. In Jonas's opinion, she has nice blond wavy hair that passes her shoulders.

" Do you want to change your clothes? "

As Jonas stared at her, she grimaced when she noticed him staring at her and she averted her eyes. Jonas frowned. But she then forces herself to stare at him again and keep a pleasant and comforting smile on her face.

" I'm fine Miss Essen. I can change my clothes at home. I just need my parents to arrive here then I can go home. "

Miss Essen is uncomfortable with his stare. The Eye supplied the information to him. Jonas Cane thought that it was understandable since he found out that he doesn't need to involuntarily blink anymore and he can keep his eyes open all the time. Even when he would sleep, he can still keep his eyes open according to the Eye.

Jonas doesn't want to keep his eye open when he would spent his time in sleep. Jonas thought that it would make the people around him uncomfortable if he does that.

Before he arrive here at the Gotham Police City Headquarters and spent his time sipping warm chocolate, he was at the Aparo Park of Gotham City.

At the time that Jonas choose the Eye Patron, other than the benefits of the new ability blessed to him by his fear god, the Eye remove the pain that he was experiencing all around his body.

Jonas then was able to move his body after that and found out that he was in a small shed. He then left and found a lot of trees and bushes around the Shed.

Deciding to accept his new circumstances, he decided to use the current identity that he was occupying. It was now time for him to look for Jonas Cane's parents.

With the help of the Eye Patron, he learned that he was in a place called Aparo Park in Gotham City. According to his thoughts, since he has amnesia, the easiest way for him to find Jonas Cane's parents was to look for Police.

The eye supplied that for him to do that, he need to pass a lot of places around Gotham to arrive at the Police Headquarters. He would spend a lot of time walking and normal children around his age would spend days walking if they want to reach the Police Headquarters from Aparo Park.

Other than that, if he wanted to leave Aparo Park, he can take 2 routes of walking. First, he needs to pass this place called the Crime Alley. Judging by the name, it was a dangerous place. For the Second route, he needs to pass a place called Arkham Asylum which wasn't giving Jonas a good impression.

Before Jonas could make a decision and start walking passed on those Grimm-sounding places, it was fortunate at that time that he was found by a person.

That said person was very strange. He was wearing a strange sense of fashion. The person was covered with a bunch of stitched pieces of fabric together that were covering all of the parts of his body from head to toe.

The strange person was horrified when he found him and learned that he was missing his memories. Despite having a strange sense of fashion, the man was kind and helped him get to the Gotham Police City Headquarters. He learned that the man has also cool powers. He can leap very high and can levitate- that how was the man was able to deliver Jonas to the police headquarters.

After he was delivered, Jonas learned that the strange fashion sense man was a vigilante and was known as the Ragman.

Ragman then promised that he would find the one responsible for kidnapping Jonas and leave. Jonas found Ragman's reaction toward him weird. The Police reaction was also the same. But as one of the Police officers commented regarding his bloodstained clothes and stare around his neck. Touching his neck, Jonas winced as he felt pain. There was a newly formed scar on the neck. Jonas then ignored the concerned officers and stare under his clothes.

Oh, there were a lot of new scars underneath his clothes. He should thank his Eye God for healing the wounds. Even it felt creepy that there was a knowledge that his Fear Patron was always watching him.

Jonas then heard one of the police officers say the word, Meta. He decided to look for the information regarding it after Mr. and Mrs. Cane would go to the Police Headquarters.

The Original Jonas Cane was killed by being stabbed to death a lot of times.

After that, Jonas Cane was questioned by the officers but since he has amnesia and can only remember his name, most of their questions are useless. He wasn't able to provide any information regarding his kidnapper and the one responsible for his injuries. Thankfully, it seems that he doesn't need to worry about Jonas Cane's parents. Since the day that he didn't arrive home from Gotham Academy, they informed the police and provided them with a picture of his face.

Miss Essen then asked if he want to look at the picture which Jonas agreed.

A picture of a smiling boy with messy black hair and unique and resplendent icy blue eyes dressed in school uniform alongside his parents on his first day of school.

Jonas decided to memorize the face of Jonas parents and felt sorry for the now-dead boy. Together with his smiling parents in the picture, it seems that they are a very happy family.

Despite not knowing anything and missing his memories, since he was now occupying the body of the dead boy and his identity, Jonas decided to seek something for the boy whose life was taken away from him by his murderer.

Justice? ... Hmm. That sounded quite not right.

Revenge? The eye supplied to his mind.

Thinking about it, it wasn't also that either.

[ An Eye for an Eye ]

Jonas doesn't want to stab the murderer of the original until he dies. For some reason, he doesn't believe in equality and fair exchange.

But he doesn't want the murderer dead.

[ Leitners are the essence of entities in a purer form. Leitners are supernatural books that are capable of different abilities and things related to entities. ]

[ Artefacts are objects that contain the essence of the entities. Through in less pure form than the books. ]

Hearing the information provided to him, Jonas then thought if it was possible to keep the murderer from suffering forever with the help of Leitners or Artifacts.

Eventually, Jonas's parents arrived at the Police Headquarters. They were shocked and angry towards his kidnapper when they saw his bloodstained clothes but at the same time, they were glad that he was alive.

While he was being embraced by both of Jonas's parents, there was a smile on his face that was almost quite like the original. Nonetheless, it pales in comparison to the warmth and lacks the innocence that the face once held.

The Archivist of Gotham (The Magnus Archive × Batman Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin