Chapter 19: Daddy material

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A/N: 30/01/2023

Hello everyone, new update! How are you doing?

I'm brainstorming ideas for another plot, and I'm hesitant between multiple tropes. What's your favorite trope and your least favorite?

Btw do you guys prefer first pov, 3rd pov or multiple pov??

Also, if any of you can drop some cool names for 2023 books ❤️


Oliver's interview made the headlines of the biggest magazines. Everyone wanted to know more about the mysterious author who disappeared after writing his biggest hit. The journalists were making the most absurd and exaggerated titles to catch the public's attention. I saw "Oliver Carlson: the tragedy of success," "Oliver Carlin: big daddy energy" and "Oliver Carlson: author or model?"

Of course, there were journalists who spread senseless articles just to meet their month's salary. They were saying that Oliver's disappearance was nothing but a marketing strategy, or that he was planning on publishing a book right after another author made the same announcement and that the authors probably had beef when Oliver didn't even know his name.

"This is nonsense!" I exclaimed, slapping the newspaper on the counter.

"What is?" Oliver asked, taking a bite of the fried eggs I made him.

"They say you're trying to stir drama with the author Peterson Gravston because he just announced the release date of his new book. How can they even compare you two? You guys are both iconic writers, but you two write different genres!" I cried, fuming. "They really need to look up the word coincidence."

"Hmm." I wasn't sure if Oliver was humming because he was deep in thought or because the eggs were good. Probably the latter.

"Camilia, your editor called. She said we should celebrate over drinks," I said. "I checked your schedule and normally you're free tonight."

"Actually, I've made last minute plans."

Surprised, I did a double-take. Not by the words last minute but by the word plan. Since when did Oliver Carlson make plans?


"Tina called and asked if I wanted to eat out."

"Tina? As in Tina Grenswell?" I blurted.

Oliver typed something into his phone but paused.

"How do you spell that?"

I stared at him and spelled out her last name. He looked her up before showing me the screen.

"Yes, it seems as if it's her."

Tina Grenswell was the woman who interviewed him. There were photos of them everywhere saying how a new romance had sparked between the city's hottest host and author after Oliver took care of her finger when she accidentally cut herself. Social media sometimes praised the most minimal and normal things into something and made into some grand gesture. Of course, it was sweet of Oliver to help her, but that didn't mean he was into her.

I paused, stopping my train of thought. My chest stung and there was a knot in my throat. What was this weird feeling building up inside my chest? Was I jealous? I shouldn't be. I had no right to be jealous especially after me and Oliver decided we'd keep our relationship professional.

"Where are you guys going?" I pried instead.

"She said she found a nice restaurant in the center city," he shrugged, sipping his black coffee.

The Writer's Assistant (ManxMan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin