Chapter 44: Congratulations, it's a girl!

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A/N: 22.10.2023

Hello HOMIES I MISSED YOU. I HAVE DIED BUT BEEN RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD. I apologize for the super long hiatus. I've been under the radar for these past few weeks, but I'm finally back with a new update!! Enjoy this one, loves.

Q/A: What's your favorite book trope at the moment?

Lately I've been super into Bodyguard x CEO, Younger Top x Older Bottom and of course the classic haters to lovers x)

Also, if you would like access to early updates and uncensored chapters of The Writer's Assistant, you can join my Patreon! The link is in my Wattpad bio. The chapter numbers aren't the same as the ones on Wattpad, but we're currently 7 chapters ahead :)

I know not everyone can afford to support me on Patreon, but updates will be arriving soon on Wattpad!! 


I woke up with the worst cramp the next morning. The first text I received was from my best friend, Jack.

Jack: Are you still alive?

I considered blocking him. When I stood up, I yelped from the jolt of pain that shot up my spine. How was I going to get Oliver to the beach in this state?! My phone buzzed, and I picked up.

"I'm burning that cursed box," I hissed at him.

"Box? What box?"

I looked at the screen and realized it was Camilia.

"Oh, sorry. Good morning, Camilia. I thought you were someone else," I apologized.

"What's in the box that makes you want to burn it?" she chuckled.

I bit my lower lip. "Just... toys."


"Yes, like dolls and all sorts," I rambled.

"Oh, I have a little cousin who loves toys! If you plan to throw them away, maybe I can ask if he wants them?"

"No!" I blurted, followed by an awkward pause. "They're old and dirty. I think it's best if you buy new ones."

I didn't want her to insist, so I quickly added, "I think they're cursed."

"Alright," she said with a strange laugh. "Anyway, I'm calling because I just wanted to let you know I'm almost done preparing for this afternoon. I contacted Zack and Oliver's old military friends, and we'll be at the beach early to prepare the barbecue and tables. Did you ask Oliver to meet up today?"


"Hey babe, you awake?" Oliver said, stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I quickly let out a loud cough.

"Oh, um, Oliver? Yeah, I contacted him," I spoke into the phone, giving Oliver signals to go away. He ignored me and kissed me on the head. I pushed him away, pressing my hand against his damp skin and trying not to enjoy how hard and nice his muscles felt. Before Camilia could speak, I interrupted her and pretended as if she was someone else. "Great! Thanks so much for letting me know. I don't mind if the package arrives late, just leave it at my door. Alright, sir, goodbye!" I immediately hung up and turned off my screen before he could catch a glimpse her name.

"Who was it?" Oliver asked curiously.

"The delivery man."

"What did he say?"

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