Chapter 31: Waterproof Underwear

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A/N: 29/09/2023


"Swim," I replied, blushing in spite of myself.

"Swim?" he echoed. "I don't think my tub is big enough for the both of us. We can always try."

There was no such thing as a bad idea with Oliver. He was the type to say, 'What could go wrong?' And still do it.

I bet he would be the person in a horror movie who would do the most obviously dangerous and reckless things but still end up alive by the end while all his friends were dead.

"I thought maybe we could go to the pool," I suggested, joining him on the couch. He took off his glasses with suspicion in his eyes, studying my face as if he was trying to figure out where this was heading.

"I just thought it'd be nice," I rambled on. "And... Romantic."

He tilted his head in the cutest way. "Swimming in a pool of chlorine with screaming kids who might have peed beside you is your definition of romantic?"

I pursed my lips. "It sounded more romantic in my head."

"Am I going to have to pick out all our date ideas?" He chuckled, pulling me closer and kissing my head as I snuggled against him. I loved how his fingers felt through my hair and his warm touch. He smelled nice too.

"Why do you want to go to the pool suddenly?" he asked, sipping his cup.

I devised a lame excuse and mumbled, "Because I'm scared."

"Of what?"


He covered the rim of his cup with his palm. "I am so sorry."

I rolled my eyes but smiled, pushing him playfully and inevitably touching his muscles.

"Not drinking water, silly," I said. "I can't swim." And it was the truth. "I had a bad experience when I was a kid and almost drowned, and I haven't been to a swimming pool since. I'd like to learn how to swim and overcome my fears."

Oliver gazed at me, arching a brow.

"...And I'd like you to drive again," I extended. "You can teach me how to swim, and I'll teach you how to drive."

And a selfish part of me wanted to spend more time with Oliver. The upcoming months were going to be intense, and Oliver's schedule was already starting to get full. He had to meet his deadlines and start promoting his upcoming book, which meant more interviews, podcasts, events... Of course I was happy for him, but I also knew he wouldn't have as much time as he did now. And with the press all over him, I knew we'd have to be careful about our relationship. Like Camilia said, my contract with him would end soon, and I didn't know what would happen to us after it did.

"I like the bus," Oliver said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You can't take the bus forever." I frowned.

"I'll be dead at some point, so I suppose not," he said glumly.

I rolled my eyes. "Oliver," I began.

"Daniel," he replied in the same even tone.

"Can you please consider it?"

He paused. "It's been considered, but the answer is the same."

"Fine, I'll learn to swim on my own," I huffed, standing up to return to my work, but not before bringing him a small jar. "And don't forget to take your vitamins. The longer you live, the more buses you can take."

I marched to the living room, sat on the stool, and worked at the counter. I heard his footsteps but didn't pay him any attention until he spun me around. My eyes met his broad chest, and I had to raise my chin to meet his gaze. Darn his tall height.

His fingers intertwined with mine, and he gently squeezed me, reminding me how bigger his hands were compared to mine.

"You can't teach yourself to swim by throwing yourself in the pool," he murmured, taking this a little more seriously than earlier.

Despite the concern in his eyes, I said, "I won't throw myself in the pool. I'm going to take swimming lessons."

"With who?"

"I'll find someone."

Oliver didn't look happy.

"So you're going to be in a pool half-naked with another person who will hold your waist while you try to kick your feet?" he asked dryly.

"That's how I'm going to learn, aren't I?" I said, wondering why he looked so annoyed.

"Hold on, let me check my agenda," he said, turning to his laptop and randomly typing into it. He put on his glasses and squinted his eyes. "Ah, yes, I can squeeze a moment in my schedule for you."

I raised a brow. "Why the sudden change of mind?"

"I rarely get to see you."

"You see me every day," I deadpanned.

He gave up quickly. "I'm trying to find a good excuse to hide the fact that I'll get jealous if someone else touches you when you're wearing nothing but waterproof underwear."

I made a face. Waterproof underwear?

"You mean a swimsuit?"

"Waterproof underwear sounds cooler."

A smile split on my face.

"I didn't take you for the jealous type."

He shrugged, lowering his gaze to my lips. "Only when I like something."

The tone of his voice and the look in his eyes were enough to get my blood pumping. His large hands slipped up my shirt and clutched my waist as if to prove to a non-existing swimming teacher that I was his.

His pettiness and competitiveness made me laugh, but I was caught off guard when his lips collided with mine. My heart rate kicked up a million notches, heat gathering in my lower area while my fingers tingled with pleasure.

Before I could convince myself to pull away, my arms already found their way around Oliver to pull him closer. He had to bend over to reach my height, and I wrapped my legs around him like a koala. This made him laugh, and he pulled away, looking at me with heat in his eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere," he murmured, kissing me again before resting his forehead against mine.

But I am, I thought to myself. I pushed the thought away. I wasn't going to let the end of my contract ruin this moment.

"How's your writing going?" I asked.

"It's going."

I looked at him worriedly. "Is it going alright?"

"Camilia is just stressing me about the deadline. Nothing serious," he reassured. "I just need some time away from the screen. Maybe going to the pool will help me."

"Alright, I'll go grab my waterproof underwear." I smiled.


Waterproof underwear 😭 this needs to be a thing.

Can we appreciate how Oliver didn't hide his jealousy and came out honestly to Daniel? One thing I love writing about him is that he has great communication skills & is honest. Plus, he's more mature than a lot of my other characters, especially since he's much older, so writing new aspects like this is so interesting (on my side :')

Please don't forget to leave a vote, and I'll see you guys in the next update!

Q/A: what are you most excited for in 2023?
A concert, show, trip, graduating...?

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