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Danny pov

Remember when I said that I bargained more than I could ask for? Well, for some reason I got caught up between the Jokers' bank heist and Batman trying to prevent Joker and his cronies from getting away. I'm literally caught in the middle trying to prevent myself from getting caught by Joker with cronies and Batman. Wait a minute, why in the hell did I forget that I could literally go invisible and intangible? 

I went both invisible and intangible as soon as I remembered, and when I say people stopped and stared, I mean people stopped and stared. The wrong kind of people too, and I mean both Joker and Batman stopped what they were doing to stare at the spot I was in. Seeing this kind of reaction makes me want to be mean. Really mean.

As soon as I could, I float over the top of Batman and Joker and make it colder. It gets so cold in this spot, I start seeing ice glaze over Batman's armor, and Joker starts to shiver with his teeth chattering. It was funny to watch them look at each other to find out what was going on.Sadly, my time has run out, and I need to head back to the mansion before Bats does so that I'm not a prime suspect for anything of anything. So, I float out of the building and get to the mansion as quickly and quietly as I can. 

As soon as I get to my bedroom, I see Alfred and his smug looking smile looking in my direction. It was like he knew what I was up to before I even did it. That right there just pisses me off. Like come on man, can't you ignore me for once when you know I'm planning something for your supposed to be boss? Nope. He can't because he loves getting under my skin with his know-it-all smugness, and he does it because he knows that it gets on my nerves when he does it.

Why did I have to get myself involved with all these people? Oh, I know. I didn't damnit. Bruce literally dragged me here. Where is that unfinished voodoo doll? I need to finish it fast, so I don't have to deal with these people anymore. But sadly, it won't go the way I want because of these stubborn people.

"What do you want Alfred?" I shouldn't have said anything. As soon as I acknowledged his presence, his damn eyes twinkled.

"Well Danny, what I'm wondering is what trouble did you cause this time?" As he was saying this, his smirk got bigger and bigger making him look even smugger. This old man.

I look him dead in the eyes, and I know it doesn't work to intimidate him, but I'm doing it anyways as I say, "Well Alfred, you will find out when you find out. Most likely from Batsy who also happened to be where I was."

As I was saying this, I was backing Alfred out of my bedroom door just to shut it in his face.. I will find out what will happen next after some well deserved shut-eye.


Thank you guys for your support and comments. I enjoy reading them whenever I have the time to. I'm not able to always update, but I'm finding that I finally have more time on my hands and will try to update more often. Thank you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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