Ch. 3

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Danny pov

I lose my intangibility and invisibility when I get inside my little home. Looking around, I spot my book bag and wander over to it. I really need to take food inventory and to see what day it was to so I could get more food. My bad luck strikes again. Today is Friday, food stock up day. Could today get any worse. Never mind, I don't want anymore bad luck as it is.

I grab my book bag and walk over to the ice safe to grab just enough money for a weeks worth of food. I love my impenetrable ice just about all of the time. Guess it's time to leave my comfort and go into the wilderness of Hell. These criminals around here never take a break. They can go into both night and day. Day would be a little safer for them since Batman doesn't come out much during the day. To think the Joker should have noticed that by now.

Thinking and walking through Gotham is extremely dangerous since you never know who you might run into. I'm suspicious of everyone here, and anyone with a brain can tell why when you expect to get mugged around every corner. Bad neighborhood + bad people = mugging, murder, or both any of those three would be acceptable. I plan to be none of those three even though I'm already half dead.

I turn a extremely suspicious corner and see and corner store, gas station, what ever you want to call it. Ironic isn't it. But it has the food I need to last at least a week at a cheap price considering this side of town. Around here, no one notices a kid by them self here. I want to be as far away from Bruce Wayne as possible, though he might have taken up a blood sample from when he was in that room with me and Joker.

Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. What is he doing here? Now that I think about it, he might have surveillance over the entire city. And I thought I would be okay with my hood down in this part of town. Awesome. I roll my eyes, pull my hood over my head, and head towards the snack aisle. I get everything and anything nutritious that doesn't cost much and walk up to the counter. My bad luck strikes again. Bruce Wayne is talking to the cashier about me. Great just what I needed.

Forget about paying. I stuff everything I chose to pay for into my book bag, zip the bag up, and take off out the door. The clerk yells after me, but I'm too far ahead for him to actually catch me. Bruce on the other hand is right behind me. I can't lead him to my little home, and I don't have a choice but to go invisible. And that's what I do. In no time do I see that I'm in my safe haven. Oh what a long day.

Bruce pov

I was so close to catching the kid that thwarted the Joker. I need to talk to him and hopefully take him home with me. What I saw on surveillance was startling. Apparently he was alone with no family or an orphanage. I want to take him in, but I have to talk to him first in order to do so. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.


Sorry for not updating for a while. I was busy with school work since the past couple weeks. Hope you enjoy the chapter, it will be a while before I get to update it again.


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