Chapter 28 Part 1

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Right now I stood in the forest a little away from the clearing where the fight was supposed to occur. I was pricking my finger with a safety pin rubbing the blood on trees and leaves that were on the bushes. I heard a musical chuckle coming from being me which made me turn around. I saw Edward with a small smile on his face while leaning against a tree. I scowled and said "Laugh now but when the newborn army is frantic you won't be laughing. You'll be thanking me.". Edward chuckled again. I rolled my eyes. "Your right Jasper will be very pleas-" Edward was interrupted by me coughing. Edward speeded in front of me put his cool hand to my forehead and said "You're burning up.". I pushed his hand off of me and as I walked around him I said "I'm fine. I just woke up with a little cough this morning. It's nothing to worry 'bout.". Edward didn't look convinced but didn't press on the subject. "You know what would make me happy?" i said as walked over to another tree. I saw Edward raise an eyebrow then he said "Oh yeah what?". "If you didn't fight the newborns and you stayed with me and uh Bella of course." I said. Edward smirked and said "That would really make you happy?". I nodded and said "It would.". "I'll think bout it." said Edward. "Well you better think fast." I said as I walked out of the forest as Edward followed. I saw Jake standing in the clearing once I exited te forest. "So you ready?" Asked Jake. "Wait my bag!" I said painicing. I heard a chuckle before Edward said "I'll bring your bag up when I see you. Esme wants to pack some more clothes in it for you.". I slightly pouted while scowling and saying "How much clothes is that women packing!?" I sighed "Well I guess I'm ready.". Jake smiled. Edward walked over to me, placed a cool kiss on my forehead and said "I'll take the longer route. But I'll get there first to set up camp. See you in a few hours.". Edward gave Jake a weird look then left. Jake walked over and picked me up bridal style and started running up the moutain. "Hey Lena are you alright? Your body is burning up." Said Jake as he ran through the forest. I nodded putting my head on his chest saying "I wish you guys would stop worring! I'm fine! Just tired.". Jake sighed but also didn't press on the subject. Next thing I knew I'm fast asleep.

I slightly woke up when I felt the warmness of Jake's body leave and coolness replace it. I snuggled deeper into the coolness. I heard a musical chuckle which made me groan and say "Shut up. I'm trying to sleep.". I heard another chuckle which made me groan again, open my eyes and say "I guess I'm not sleeping.". Edward put me down. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "You should get home before the storm hits." Said Bella. "I'm staying. You'll need my connection to the pack to keep tabs on what's going on." Said Jake. "Your not gonna fight ?" Bella said hopefully. "Seth will spell me in the a.m. He's not happy about missing action but it'll keep him out of trouble." Said Jake. I saw Bella smile when Jake said he wasn't fighting. All of a sudden I sneezed and not one of those cutesie sneezes. It was a kind of sneeze that was so loud I'm surprised it didn't cause an avalanche. Edward walked over to me and said "Lets get you inside.". I nodded my head and sniffled. "You coming Bella?" Asked Edward. "Uh I think I'll wait out here for a while." Said Bella. Edward nodded his head before leading me into the tent.

That night (3rd person point of view)

Elena laid in her sleeping bag, teeth chattering, clinging to her coat and blanket. While Bella laid in her sleeping bag, that was next to Elena's, fast asleep. "I should have chosen a sight lower down." said Edward. "I'm f-f-f-fine. O-o-o-o-okay. N-n-now shush i-it." Elena stuttered from the cold. "What can I do?" Edward asked obviously in pain. Elena only shook her head in reply. All of sudden the tent opens revealing Jacob coming into the tent. As he closes the tent back up he says "Can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on.". "Forget it." Edward said reading Jacob's mind. Jacob shrugged and said "Fine. But she might need in her toes someday. And let's face it-" A smirk appeared on Jacob's face "I am hotter than you.". (Authors Note: OMG! That's my favorite line of Jacobs!) Jacob begins to walk towards Elena again. Suddenly Edward's hand is on Jacob's shoulder. "Take. Your hand. Off me." Jacob growled out. "Keep your hands off of her!" Edward also growled out. "P-p-p-please d-d-d-don't f-f-f-fight." Elena pleaded. Edward looked at Elena and his undead heart broke seeing her pain. Edward reluctantly pulled his hand away and nodded. Jacob climbed into Elena's sleeping bag. "You'd warm up faster if you took your clothes off." Jacob said to Elena clearly trying to make Edward mad. "S-s-s-s-shush u-up J-j-jake." Said Elena. Edward gave Jacob a stone hard glare but it soon lessen when he glances at Elena who had slighly stop shaking. Soon enough Elena is asleep. "Get Elena out of your little fantasies, dog. Or we're going to have a problem." Edward sneered. "Payback for listening to my thought

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