Chapter 13

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I was just staring at him trying to figure out were I saw him when all of a sudden he said "I know I'm hot but you don't have to keep staring at me.''. I shook my head to snap out of it then I said "Sorry but I swear I've seen you before.''. "Oh is that right but I think I would remember a pretty face like yours.'' he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. Out of no were I remembered so I ran upstairs trying not to fall and into the guest bedroom, ran to my bag and took out the picture I stole from my teddy bear, I mean Emmett. I ran back down stairs said "I known I've seen you before.''. I handed the picture to him. "Oh I remember him from being human he was my best friend.....where did you get this.'' he said. "Um I took it from Emmett cause he always wanted to know what happen to you so I was going to try and find out but now I know and I can't tell him or go back......I'm gonna go for walk.'' I left the house when I started to tear up without any other word to anyone.

I was walking through the forest trying to warm my self up since I forgot my jacket when I heard something in the tree so I turned around. I saw what's his face coming up to me. "Uh hey...'' I said. "Sorry I didn't know what happen they just explained it to me.'' he said. "It's fine you didn't want to walk with me since you already out here.'' I said. "Sure.'' he said. "By the way I'm Elena.'' I said. He grabbed my hand, placed a kiss on my knuckle and said "Damon....Damon Salvatore (Sorry I couldn't think of any other last name for him and his vampire diaries name fits him).''. I blushed....wait I blushed I'm not suppose to blush...grrr.... I shivered when the blew and made me rub my arms more. He took off his jacket, put in on my shoulders and said "Here you need this more than I do.''. I began to take it off and said "No it's fi...'' before I could finish he interrupted me and said "It's find I can keep warm with out the jacket and it helps with my gift and all.''. I looked at him confused and asked "What's your gift?''. "Hold on tight to the jacket its about to get a little cold.'' said Damon. I nodded and held on to the jacket. Just then his eyes turned white and it started to SNOW. I looked around in amazement. Damon eyes turned back to normal and I said "You control the weather?''. "Not just the weather.'' I looked at him confused. He snapped his fingers and a flam appeared. I smiled and said "That's amazing.''. He shrugged and smiled. He closed his eyes and I saw a steam coming out of the ground and a flower blooming at the tip. He opened his eyes when a red rose was fully bloomed. He took it of the off the stem and handed it to me and said "A beautiful flower for a even more beautiful girl.''. I blushed. Ugh why am I blushing I don't blush ......wait I got it I'm not blushing it's just really hot yeah that's it.........I hope. "Your just a little flirt aren't you.'' I said. "Helps when you have a beautiful girl.'' he said. When I felt heat rising to my face again I turned my head. "You know your kind of cute when you blush.'' Damon said with a smirk. "I. Don't. Blush.'' I said. Damon rolled his eyes and said "Sure you don't.''.A week later Elena's point of view

Dear Diary,

And yes you did read correctly I got a new diary......well actually Carmen go it for me. She saw how much I love to write and she got one for me and I love it. Anyway I been with he Denial's for about a week and everything's great. Kate love's cooking for me it took her a couple...who I am I kidding a lot of tries to not burn the food. Carmen, me and Eleazar and I are all betting on how long it takes for Garret to ask Kate out cause we ALL know...we'll except Kate that Garret likes her.........Well that's about everyone......who am I trying to fool there's still........................... Damon. Who can forget Damon......oh that's right I can hehehehe.........anyway Damon and I been getting along good he's not flirting with me as much cause I told him I just wanted to be friends......ya boohoo I know but here's something that might change that frown......Damn I'm weird talking to a diary like someone's actually topic you want to know something I feel this pull towards Damon it's kinda weird not like he's my mate or now a friend pull it's a different kind of pull it's weird. I felt it when I first met him and ever since's too early to say I'm in love but I know it's something.........Well I got to go Damon's yelling at me he wants to take me on a hike so later......


Elena Rose

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