Chapter 2

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Dear diary,

It's been 3 years since mommy found me and yes by mommy I mean Esme. Esme is my mommy and Carlisle is my daddy. If your wondering why I'm writing in a diary Auntie Alice got it for me so I have to use it. Anyway its been 3 years since mommy found me and its been great. I bet your wondering about everyone is they love me. Auntie Alice loves to dress me up; she changes my outfit at least three times a day. Three times like seriously I love dress up but still! Uncle Jasper loves being around me because he says I improve his mood what ever that means. Auntie Rose is very protective of me and she saves me from Auntie Alice when she goes crazy about my outfit and shopping. Uncle Emmett or teddy bear is still MY giant teddy bear. I love watching sports with him but don't tell him shhhhh. Mommy absolutely loves me. She also loves cooking for me since I'm the ONLY one who actually eats. Every day daddy measures my height to see how much I've grown like right now I'm suppose to look 3 but I really look about 4 and a half so not that big of deal. He also says I have the mind of a ten year old so I'm really smart. And last but not least EDWARD!!!!!!! He is also known as Eddie I can only call him that or MY best friend. You hear that people he is MY best friend no one else's so watch out! I am so glad he's not home or he would be laughing at how possessive I am. But hey don't judge me he's WAY worse. Like when he's home he always has to be with me not that I'm complaining......hehehehe. Oh by the way I know something that no one knows I know not even Eddie which is surprising because doesn't he read minds. Anyway I know my family is vampires. Well I have gone its lunch yay bye.

I put my diary back on my shelf then I grabbed some clothes and got dressed.

"Elena lunch!'' yelled mommy. I ran out my room and down the stairs. When I got to the bottom step I felt a pair of arms pick me up. "What did I tell you about running down the stairs?'' asked Daddy as he held me in the air. I shrugged my shoulder and said "I don't know must of slipped my mind.''. "Elena.'' daddy said slightly glaring at me. "Oh now I remember you said not to run down the stair cause I might fall and get hurt.'' I said. "And what did you just do.'' asked daddy. I looked down and said "Sorry daddy.''. "If I catch you doing it again your in trouble now go eat.'' said daddy before he set me down. I yelled "Yay lunch.'' as I ran into the kitchen. I pulled out a chair and climbed onto it. Mommy put a plate with a turkey and cheese sandwich and a glass of juice in front of me and said "There you go sweetie.''. "Thank you mommy.'' I said before I started eating. I was eating when someone came in and said "Hey Elena.''. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. I finished chewing, swallowed then said "Hey Eddie.''. When I swallowed my last bite and finished my juice Edward said "You done?''. I nodded. Edward took the plate and glass then put them in the sink. I climbed off the chair, pushed it in then said "Eddie I have a question?''. "Ask away.'' said Edward. "Actually it's a question for the whole family so come on.'' I said before I grabbed Edward's hand and pulled him into the sitting room were everyone was. "So Elena what's your question?'' asked Eddie. "You guys are gonna think I'm crazy if I'm wrong.'' I said. "Sweetie you can ask us anything and we wont think your crazy.'' said Mommy. "Ok here it goes.'' I took a deep breath then said "Are you guy's vampires?''. Everyone went into shock so I said "Feel free to call me crazy if I'm wrong.''. "No. No your not crazy just how did you find out.'' said Daddy. "I'm not an idiot and I am half vampire so yeah.'' I said that last part shrugging my shoulders. Eddie were you guys ever going to tell me? Edward came and picked me up and said "Of course but we didn't know how we can't just come out and say hey Elena how is your day oh yeah we're vampires and your half vampire.''. I giggled a little then said "I under stand.''. I didn't even realize I was tired until I yawned. "You want to go take a nap?'' asked Mommy. I nodded. "Can I go put her to put down for her nap?'' asked Edward. Mommy sighed and said "Go ahead.''. Edward smiled then carried me upstairs and into my room.

I slowly went to sleep after he laid me down.

NO LONGER WRITING  BUT OPEN TO NEW AUTHORS The True Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें