Chapter 23

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I was in my closet looking for my black leather jacket when I couldn't find it. "Ugh where the snicker doodle is it?!" I yelled in frustration as I threw clothes off the hangers and out of the drawers. "What happen in here?" asked Damon as he walked into my closet. "I can't find my FAVORITE leather jacket!" I yelled. "Well hurry up your going to be late. And don't forget its your first day back at school." Rebekah said as she also walked into my closet. "But I can't leave without it goes with the outfit." I said as I stood up and pointed to my outfit. Damon sighed, shrugged off HIS leather jacket, held his jacket out and said "Wear mine.". I dramaticly gasped, and said "But you don't let anyone wear your leather jacket.". "Well your special." Damom said with a shrug. "And you know I won't leave without a leather jacket." I said with matter of fact tone. "Yeah there's that too. Now lets go." said Damon. "Hold-" I didn't even get to finish because Damon speeded over and threw me over his shoulder. "Wait my bag!!" I yelled as I reached out for my backpack that was on the floor by a huge pile of clothes. Rebekah picked it up, threw it over shoulder and followed Damon as he STILL held me over his shoulder. As I hit Damon's back repetedly I yelled dramaticly "HELP! HELP! I'M GETTING KIDNAPPED BY A REALLY HOT VAMPIRE !!! WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S GONNA DO TO ME!!!! HELP!!". Even though I couldn't see Damon's face I could tell he was rolling his eyes. After that he handed me to Jasper because they knew I would run if I got a chance. Jasper put me in the backseat of Alice's car, buckled me up, then shut the door and got in the passanger seat. Alice got in the driver seat, looked in the review mirror and made sure I wasn't planning on making a run for it. I huffed and crossed my arms while looking out the window. Alice started the car then drove to hell also known as school.

When I got to school I recevied MANY gasp and heard ALOT of whipsers. Lucky for me classes went by fast so right now is lunch. I spotted Edward sitting with Bella, and some other people who names I really don't remember. I saw the look in Alice's eyes so I shook my head repetedly saying "No. No. No. And did I meantion NO!!!". I didn't even get a another no in before Alice grabbed my arm, and pulled me the table of hell while Jasper followed. Alice FORCED me sit down next to her and straight across from Edward. As Alice sat down she said "I've decided to throw a party.". My stomach growled loud enough that everyone at the table gave me a questioning look. Jasper slid his tray of food over to me. I smiled in responce. I picked up the plastic spork and began eating the little cup of peaches. "After all how many times do we graduate?" I asked before I picked up the milk carton and took a drink out of the straw. I saw Edward stifen a smile. "Wait a party? At your house?" asked Jessica I think her name is. "I've never seen your house before." said Angela. "No one's seen their house before." said Eric. "Really Alice? A party?" said Edward. "What's wrong with a party Edward?" I asked. Edward looked shocked probably because I was actually talking to him. "And besides it will be AMAZING." I said. Alice smiled and was about to say something when all of a sudden she froze and staired off into space. I knew she was having a vision but I just didn't know of what. But I had a feeling it was something bad because I saw Edward glance at me with worried eyes. What'd she see......Oh look I food! I forgot I had this. Get ready to concur my hunger food! Let the battle begin!! Edward chuckled meaning he heard my thoughts. Bella looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Edward didn't say anything he just had a amused look in his eyes when I began to stuff my face with food. Everyone at the table looked at me funny so I just said "A girls gotta eat doesn't mean it will be a pleasent sight to see.".

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