Chapter 21: Revelation

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And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be. Right in front of me. Talk some sense to me.

There are four cabins in the plane. Two on each side, a table and chair in the middle ironed to the floor as the criminals occupied it all.

The one and only FBI agent here now, is me.

Jeremiah was melting with anger  but knew he had no right to defy my word or play any longer so all he was able to do was threaten Lilah and Landon from a distance.

Daniel and Jackson left on their own, knowing they may not be able to be peaceful and restrained while Lilah was here. Next to it, I certainly doubt Jackson wanted my gun pointed at him again.

At the beginning of the plane, Rafael and Landon were on the insides of the room protected by a number of agents acting like guard dogs.

Lilah and Celine were on the opposite side while I sat on the couch in the middle.

It's a six hour long flight, so I rested for the first two hours. Maybe rest is a harsh word, but I just stare at the things around me. Think.

The doors are distracting me, a handle calling me to open up and step inside.

I have to clench my fist, nails digging into my skin to prevent myself from carrying out the stupidity of that thought.

I don't have much time to be left alone as I feel an arm tapping me. My head turns to one young man, handing me a tablet as he nods and walks back.

I glance down at the screen and want the engine to break along with this plane and kill us all before speaking with the person on the screen.

Yet I have no choice as I turn the camera at my face and Alena's stoic expression greets me.

"Hello, Haden." she nods, fingers intertwined on the desk. "It's nice to see you alive."

"It's nice to be alive." No thanks to you.

"I believe you." her voice sounds robotic. "When are you thinking of writing a report?"

I bit my lip to prevent a overcoming line of not such nice words. It's lovely being kidnapped for more than two months, worrying about your daughter and sisters survival as well as your own, but the report of it all is of course more important.

"I have just gotten away from a man who kept me as his prisoner. Don't you think I could have a minute of peace before sitting down and writing a thirty page long report about every day?"

Her eyes are merciless and careless. "I'm afraid you won't have time."

I furrow my brows. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because the director is asking for a full report to be handed to him before he proceeds with execution."

The words sound distasteful to even hear.

I have not forgotten about it, rather pushed it back at the hidden part of my head. Never to think of it, until it hits me across the face.

Just like now.

"You already have a date, Ma'am?"

She scoffs. "Of course we do. On the seventh of March."

The air around me is escaping my lips, running away as I try to chase it. Just taunting me the same way these walls laugh at me as they close down on my shoulder.

I can barely breathe.

"That's in-" I stop my shooked voice, hands trembling around the device but not wanting to show any weakness in front of her. "That's in five days."

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