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"Oomf!" The sound of two bodies colliding at top speed and then falling back against the floor rang out with a thud. "Ouch.." Lisa muttered softly, rubbing her head that had hit the floor.

However, as her vision cleared up, her eyes widened, because there, about three feet away from her was Jennie Kim!

"Oh my gosh... O-Oh, my gosh, y-you're-" However, her fangirl ramblings were quickly cut off with a hand to her mouth. "Sorry." The other girl responded, "But, I just managed to sneak away from a teen who kept hugging me, so let's not say my name, okay?" Lisa nodded eagerly, as she did her best to not pass out because, Hello?! Jennie Kim's hand was on her mouth- her lips!! She was practically kissing her hand! She could easily lick her hand if she would just... Don't lick her hand, Lisa.

It was then when Jennie released her and Lisa let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding. "Anyways," Jennie started, flashing that million dollar gummy smile of her's. "-I'm Jennie, which I think you already figured out. Did they give you a name along with that beautiful smile?"

holy shithfidohgjdkkdkdn. "I'm uh, um.. L- umm.."

Jennie gave an amused smile and lifted one of those eyebrows that just have been sculpted by God himself.

"Are you always this articulate?"

"Lisa!" She finally managed to say, "My name's Lalisa." She grinned, and she wasn't sure if it was out of pride for regaining the control of her vocal chords or for the fact that Jennie Kim just gave her the cutest look of all time, or because she was just a smiley person. But, for whatever the reason, there was a huge smile across the dark-eyed girl's face. And Jennie returned it.

"Lalisa.. I like that. But it's a little long, can I call you Lily?"

Wait, what? Take a step back, hold up, pause, did Jennie Kim just give me a nickname?! That's practically a marriage proposal, right?
"I do!" ...And I just said that out loud, didn't I? "...Not mind if you call me Lily."
She offered up a sad excuse at trying to save herself. "Um, can I get a picture with you? And can you sign my phone?"

"Of course," Jennie nodded sweetly, obviously trying to save the girl from some of her embarrassment. "But, I gotta warn you, the autographs usually smear if I sign phones, since the person touches them right after." She explained.

"Oh, I know. That's why I'm having you sign the phone, and then putting my phone case over it... To protect it."

Jennie nodded, smiling a bit, for a reason Lisa didn't know. But, before Lisa could ask, the brunette was calling over to someone. "Hey, could you take a couple of pictures for us?" The man nodded and came over, and Lisa handed him her phone.

Not sure of what she was supposed to do, Lisa stood by Jennie, who wrapped her into a typical girl-party-picture-hug. Lisa smiled widely and held her chin up, the way she always did in pictures, because it made her feel taller, and with Jennie's spikey high-heeled ankle boots, she needed all the help she could get.

She heard the shutter-sound and reluctantly let go of Jennie, and was ready to get her phone, before the other girl surprised her, by kissing her cheek. She heard the shutter sound again and just about fainted.Just wait until twitter sees this!

Finally, the man held out her phone for her to take it, and she reached a hand out to grab it, only to see Jennie beat her to it. "You wanted me to sign it, right?" She responded with that same raised-eyebrow look she gave her earlier.

"Uh.. Mhm." Lisa responded, still dizzy from the fact that Jennie Kim's lips had been on her face!!!

Jennie smiled and pulled a sharpie out of her purse. She took the phone case off and signed it, turning it away when Lisa tried to peek, which resulted in her pouting, an action that earned an amused chuckle from the older girl. When she was finished, she blew over the ink to dry it, and then replaced the phone case.

"My bus is here, so I gotta go... It was nice meeting you, Lily." Jennie smiled widely and opened her arms for a hug. She pulled the girl in tight, and didn't let go for quite some time.

However, when she finally did, she gave the other girl's hands a squeez and asked, "You're coming to the show tonight, right?" Lisa nodded, "Mhm!" And then Jennie smiled, "Here. This might come in handy." She pulled a wristband out of her purse and handed it to her, "Keep that safe." And then, as she let go of Lisa's hands, she winked, and Lisa just about died.

"See ya later." And before Lisa could come up with a reply, the goddess of her dreams had walked away. "Holy shit."

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