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Lisa's POV:

"I... Hi, Rosé." Well, shit, shit, fuckity, shit, shit, how the actual fuck do I explain this? "...This is Jennie." Yeah, no shit, it's Jennie, Rosé's watched her MV before, dummy.

Lisa looked from Rose to Jennie, not failing to notice Jennie's amused smile, because hello, she was still straddling her and was having what was probably the most awkward moment of her life thus far.

"Jennie, this is Rosé." Her brown eyes flickered to Jennie as she smirked and waved. "Hi. I'd shake your hand, but your friend here is all but dry humping me."

Blushing ferociously, Lisa climped off of Jennie's lap and sat down on the bed. Jennie winked at her before walking over to Rosé and shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You, too." Rosé smiled before turning to Lisa.

"Hey, Lisa, can I talk to you in the hallway, really quick?"

"Actually, I'm quite comfortable here, but thanks for- OW. OW." Rosé dragged her out of her room by her ear, and Lisa winced until she finally released her in the hallway. "Ouch!"

"Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban , what the actual fuck is going on?"

"Well, we're standing in the hallway of my house, talk-" One glare from Rose was all she needed before she started actually explaining herself.

"I went to the meet and greet, and Jennie told me to hide under the table and wait there until everyone left, and so I did, and then we went to her dressing room, and then we went to a fair, and then we went back to her hotel and I kinda sorta lost my virginity, and then there was this stuff with paparazzi and they sent me into a mental breakdown so we came back here, and we were making out on my bed, until you walked in... And that's what you missed on Glee."

Rosé looked at her, dumbfounded. "You lost your virginity?"

"Well, I don't know if fingers can actually break the thingy, but as far as moral definitions go, I'm not a virgin anymore, yeah."

"...I don't know whether to be proud or appalled."

"Go with proud, then you won't be mad at me."

"Alright. I'm proud of you, lil' Mommy."

"Thanks, big daddy."

"So, I guess you're kinda busy now, right?"

"Uh, yeah, kinda." Lisa blushed.

Rosé laughed, shaking her head. "I'll call you later, Dawg. Have fun." She stretched out the U in fun and shimmied a little, causing Lisa to laugh before turning and heading back into her room.

"You're kinda like her bitch, aren't you?"

"What?!" Lisa whipped her head around at Jennie's words, causing her to fall into the fluffy carpet, which made the brunette-haired girl laugh even more. "She kinda drags you along, and you go with it. Like, she's the pimp and you're her bitch. It's cute, like you're incapable of being dominant."

"Please. I can totally be dominant." Lisa stood up and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Nahh, I don't buy it, little one." Jennie smirked as she leaned against the bed.

"I'm just as capable of being dominant as you are! I could totally take you, if I wanted to."

Jennie sat up and raised her eyebrow at the younger girl, smiling suggestively.

"Ugh, you're such a perv."
Jennie walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her.

Stay strong, Lisa. Don't give in. The older girl nuzzled her face into her neck and sighed. "Hey." Jennie whispered into her. The word of the day is "legs." Let's go back to your bed and spread the word." Lisa laughed, throwing her head back, which caused Jennie to continue. "How about you be my story and I'll be your climax?" Lisa giggled softly. "You've got something on your ass. My eyes." At that, Lisa finally turned around and faced her. "Took you long enough." Jennie smirked and Lisa rolled her eyes. "You don't give up, do you?"

"Not when I want something."

"You want something?"

"I thought I made that clear last night."

Lisa giggled, and Jennie rested her forehead against her's, before opening her mouth, "Is that a keg in your pants? Because I would love to tap that ass." That triggered even more laughter to come from Lisa, and she rolled her eyes. "You're such a dork."

"That's my line." Jennie pouted.

"I'm supposed to say it while you're fangirling." Lisa leaned up and softly kissed her pout, before pulling back. However, before she could attempt a smirk of her own, Lisa was being pulled back in to Jennie. I'm never going to get used to this, holy shit. Tentatively, Lisa wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled her closer and closer.

"Are you done with those pickup lines now?" She whispered against her lips as the paler girl lifted her up and helped her to wrap her legs around her waist. "One more- I'm going to treat you like my homework: slam you on the desk and do you all night."

Almost on cue, the sound of a phone ringing loudly erupted from Jennie's purse.

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