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Lisa's POV:

How they were able to make it back to the hotel without anyone recognizing Jennie was a mystery to her. Perhaps it was because she was so used to being recognized that she had figured out how to avoid it. However, it was a little hard to focus on that with Jennie's hand stroking up and down her thigh, coming even more dangerously high each time.

Thankfully, Jennie's hotel wasn't too far away, and it wasn't long before her.. whatever the heck Jennie was, was pulling her inside.



Take a step back. Am I about to lose my virginity?

I think I am.

Nevermind the fact that she was about to lose it to someone who's practically a stranger. But, Jennie's not a stranger. I know everything about her, including her height, shoe size, time of birth, and her (tentative) weight, and she had some ideas about her cup size.. Hey, she could find that out tonight! -

Wait. Lisa. Get out of your gay, fangirl point of view.

Oh wait, I'm too gay to quit.

Okay, then get out of your fangirl point of view.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she followed Jennie to the elevator. Half of her expected the cat-eyed girl to attack her when the door closed, but instead, she stood as far away from her as possible. "The guy at the front desk is obsessed." Jennie whispered, "And I'm 99.9% sure he watches the security camera footage when I'm in it."

"Wow. That's creepy." No it isn't, Lisa, you'd do the same thing.

When the two finally got upstairs, Lisa had to sprint as she followed Jennie to her room. I WAS NOT MADE TO RUN, I'M NOT ABOUT THIS LIFE. Wait. But Jennie Kim was that eager to fuck her. Yep, I could definitely be about that life. After stumbling into the door and fumbling with the lock, Lisa found herself being pushed against the wall with such urgency that it triggered a gasp to fall from her mouth. However, that gasp was caught by the sweetest lips Lisa had ever encountered, The only lips you've ever encountered, but that's a minor detail.

Wrapping her arms around her neck, Lisa pulled her closer, desperate for the stimulation and friction she had read so many times in fanfiction.

She felt soft but determined hands grasp on the back of her thighs and lift her up, and Lisa wrapped her legs around Jennie's waist, daring to roll her hips into her.

She heard Jennie gasp, and Lisa did it again, loving the way she was able to pull a reaction from her. Growling softly, Jennie pressed her against the wall again and moved her mouth to her neck, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to it.

Completely unprepared, Lisa's head fell back against the wall, and she let out a string of whimpers, causing Jennie to smirk.

Jennie's POV:

How does a eighteen year old virgin manage to be so intoxicating?

Jennie thought for the millionth time as she sank her teeth into Lisa's neck, feeling her desire grow greater with the long moan she emitted from the younger girl.

She felt a long, feminine hand on the back of her neck, gently tugging on her hair, and that was the last straw- she needed Lisa, and she needed her now.

Careful not to drop her, Jennie moved from the wall and carefully tossed her onto the bed before crawling on top of her and attacking her mouth.

Her hands immediately found their way under her crop top and fisted the fabric, before pulling it off and throwing it across the room. Her attention turned to the newly-exposed skin and her brown eye darkened with lust.

As she eyed her greedily, Jennie couldn't help but want more... Perhaps she'd always want more. However, that was a thought for tomorrow.

Her lips trailed down from her mouth, to her neck, to her collarbone, leaving a trail of red and purple marks that would surely be there tomorrow. Her lips trailed in between her breasts, and Lisa arched off the bed.

She was so responsive. Jennie felt nails raking up her back, and she gasped, which apparently cued Lisa to take her shirt off, as well. She scaled her way back up Lisa's body, moaning softly at the addition of skin-on-skin contact. Jennie felt those same nails running down her back, and she arched softly, before beginning to roll her hips into Lisa's which resulted in the loudest moan so far.

Lisa's POV:

Holy shit. Fanfiction definitely told the truth about the friction. She smells like vanilla mixed with strawberries. It's my new favorite scent. I just wanna bottle it up and spray it all around my room.

As her mindless thoughts apparently caused her hands to act for themselves, Before she knew it, Lisa had ridded Jennie of her shorts, exposing a glorious ass that was even better than the multiple pictures Lisa had saved to her computer suggested.

As the need for oxygen took over, Lisa pulled back and leaned her head against the bed and Jennie smirked at her before beginning to take Lisa's skirt off and kneeling between her legs.

In response, Lisa sat up and began kissing her fiercely again, which exposed her back and allowed Jennie to unclasp her bra and throw it across the room, and Lisa returned the favor.

However, it was Jennie who kissed down her chest again. She drew a line with her tongue and began kissing her right breast, using her hand to pay equal attention to the other. THE ABILITY TO FUNCTION HAS BEEN LOST. Lisa threw her head back and moaned loudly, which only inspired Jennie to continue.

She moved down to her stomach, before taking the waistband of Lisa's skirt and pulling it down, before finally settling between her legs. Eager and curious, Lisa sat up and looked down at Jennie, who stared up at her with that damn smirk gracing her perfect features.

She blew cold air onto Lisa's covered clit, and the brown-eyed girl felt her own legs shook.

At last, Jennie removed the girl's panties and started up at her with a look that was composed of complete and total lust. Lisa stared as she got closer and closer, and nearly erupted when she felt her tongue drawing a line up her slit.

"J-Jennie.." Lisa moaned loudly, and she knew Jennie was about to continue...

Until, they heard the loud and determined knock on the door.

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