Chapter 22

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Arriving at the furniture store, you file out of the car. You and Seokjin are confident interior designers while Jungkook and Jimin only tagged along for lunch after the shopping.

After spending several minutes in each section, you finally reach the curtains.

Debating, you and Jin have to decide on the color and style of the curtains. For now, you both have decided on blue blackout curtains for the large windows.

Two guys walk behind the four of you, muttering things under their breath. You quickly peak at Jin, but ultimately, you all ignore them.

Continuing your search for more curtains, you shift to look at the thinner options for bedrooms and bathrooms. You pick a few with colors that would match the house perfectly. Of course, Jin agrees with you.

You move to the table and chair section, looking for the perfect addition to your dining room. Finally, you won't have to eat on the floor.

Jungkook swipes his hands over all of the tables, feeling the different textures. You and Jin, however, look at the size and color of each option.

Noticing an unpleasant sensation crawl over your skin, you guide your eyes behind you. Two men, the same as before, trudge around your group, keeping a close eye on all of you. They mumble between each other, but their eyes stay glued to you.

A wave of dread and nervousness surrounds your form, not going unnoticed by your soulmates. It's almost as though they can feel every ounce of what you're feeling.

Your gut barks at you, telling you to run far away from these guys, but all you do is look to Jin again. He just shrugs his shoulders, displeasure weighing on them. You try to remove your nervousness as you decide on the table you want, switching your attention.

Having picked a table, you get the matching chairs, of course, and move on to the couches and loveseats.

The short hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you notice the looming figures creep around you once more. This time, they are closer and are lingering around you for a longer period of time. Your heart twangs with an unusual feeling of anger, though you don't feel the emotion coming from yourself. Chalking it up to your nerves, you continue to act like nothing is wrong.

Frustration now too much to handle, Jimin gives them a nasty look, much to your dismay. You wanted as little attention on you all as possible, and Jimin just gave the strangers a reason to begin any kind of commotion.

Quickly, you pull Jimin to your side by his wrist, not wanting him to cause a scene. Your heart beats faster and your nerves are unbearable. Jimin looks closely at your face and his face contors with worry.

Sweat dampens your skin and you feel a scratching in your head, almost like a wall was being broken. You physicaly shake your head, trying to rid yourself of the feeling.

You can't quite tell why these men make you so nervous, but you've never been this scared of strangers before.

Deciding to finish your shopping trip early, you drag your soulmates towards the register. You gave the cashier all of the furniture tags and they call workers to assist the transportation.

Jin's car is nowhere near big enough for all of the furniture, so you had to pay extra for a delivery truck. This makes the process take longer which only prolongs your anxiety. As the transaction finishes, you speed walk your way out of the store, your soulmates trailing behind you.

Feeling the fresh air of the outside world is, unfortunately, not enough to rip away your heavy nerves. Subconsciously, your eyes scan the parking lot in front of you. Nothing. A glimmer of hope flutters in your chest as you see Jin's car.

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