Chapter 32

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(I really wish I could update on time but we just adopted a dog today so I'm a bit late!)

Jungkook POV:

Remembering the nurse's words, we trample through the forest wordlessly. It was quite difficult for the first minute or two as we had all wanted to ask questions, but we kept silent. We could communicate through our minds, but we still aren't very good at it. Well, it is more so that we can't multitask while doing so.

With each step, I can feel my heartbeat hastening, fearful of the unknown. It becomes clear that we are approaching the road as the trees seem to have more space between them. The three of us share a look, our nerves bouncing between each other. Finally, a clearing presents itself.

With just a few more steps, we approach the hardly paved, empty street. There are no lights, no lines, and most importantly, no cars. We stand in a group just behind the first line of trees. Even though we are waiting for help, it feels safer to stand further back from the street. I scratch the back of my dirty head as I look between my two soulmates. They stare back, also unsure.

"So... what now?" I whisper as quietly as possible.

Jin turns his eyes back to the road before answering, "Now... we wait." He lightly kicks a rock, looking at our surroundings now.

"Hm." I grunt. I guess we wait for whatever our rescue is. We sure have a lot of faith in that nurse. My skin sweats a little at the thought, but I push it away to find some optimism.

Yoongi POV:

"Can we go any faster?" Taehyung asks, leaning forward in his seat, his hands gripping the headrest.

"Sit back, Tae. I don't need you getting hurt. I'm going as fast as I can without getting stopped." I state sternly. He sighs heavily, leaning back and running his fingers through his hair. His stress is painted thickly on his face, and my heart aches at the sight. I focus on the road and try to get there faster with Yuqi's directions.

Soon, we are on a very strange, narrow road. "We're close. Taehyung, keep an eye out on the right. I'm fairly certain that the three will be at the opening." Yuqi says vaguely.

"Who? What opening?" He asks.

"Your soulmates, of course. It should be just a hole in the trees." She says with a shrug.

"Why only three? We're missing four." He raises his voice at the woman. She sighs and turns to face him.

"I'm well aware. Y/n is still not with them from what I've heard. We have to get Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook while we can. Then, we can look for Y/n." She announces. Taehyung grunts as a response.

"What have you heard?"

"What do you mean? I just told you what I've heard." She furrows her brows.

"I mean from who? Who is providing all of this information?" He asks. I, too, am wondering the same question. This leads my mind to wonder if she is apart of this whole situation.

"Wait. Are you connected to this, Yuqi? You aren't going to take us too, are you? I'll stop this car right now." Intensity floods my voice as I warn her. She throws her hands up immediately.

"No way! I just... know somebody who works there. Someone I haven't talked to in quite a long time." Her voice trails off at the end. Taehyung and I give her a strange, but quick, look. The rest of the bumpy ride is silent.

"There! Stop the car!" Taehyung shouts, throwing out a pointed finger.

I slam on the breaks and immediately, Taehyung unlocks his seatbelt, opening his door. He throws himself out of the car as Yuqi and I are only slightly slower in out movements. I run around the front of the vehicle and meet our found soulmates in a tight embrace that Taehyung has already initiated.

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