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Finally!!!! An update!!!!

I finally graduated on Monday and am looking forward to writing more and more. However, I don't know how long the writing bursts will last. I am a very sporadic person, so i lose interest in things for a while and then gain interest for a bit. A lame cycle tbh.

I also give myself too many excuses for my own liking. For example, I was putting off writing this because I don't feel like tapping on my screen forever. I'd rather type on an actual keyboard, but I don't have a laptop or computer. Therefore, I've been putting this off even more.

Anywho!!! Hopefully you're satisfied with where this is going for right now. If not....sorry lol.

I've found a new way to plan out plots so that I don't lose as much motivation to write, too. With this being my first, proper story, I just dove in head first. No planning. No guidance. Just writing, that's why it isn't great lmao. However, I've found a way to plan out each chapter effectively which is lit.

Thank you to all of you who have stuck with me and this fic! You are the only reason I'm still writing it tbh.

Hopefully I write more in the near future. I've got ither fics in the works, but don't tell anyone ;)

Bye bye! Enjoy the very late and unedited update :)

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