Chapter 30

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Y/n POV:

Your heartbeat is soaring, and your lungs are burning as your feet trample the ground below. You can hear the angry shouts and hollers approaching rapidly, and you know that your time is soon up. However, you push forward.

Your eyes dart around in search of anything useful, but there is nothing in sight. A desperate sob escapes your mouth as the stampede behind you races closer. Your arms pump by your sides and push you forward. Somehow, you gain a slight amount of distance.

"Give it up, Y/n! You can't run for much longer!" A huffing man yells behind you. It almost sounds as though he is laughing.

Soon enough, you find out why he sounded amused. A large river forms in the distance, cutting off your straight path. Three options dance across your mind.



Give up.

An airy groan forms in your chest and rumbles loudly. You are not going to give up at this point. You've gone too far.

You can not run for much longer, and turning left or right might only bring them closer. You'll be caught instantly.

Shouts sound behind you as you take a deep breath. You swing your hands behind your back and launch them forward along with the rest of your body.

Head first, you enter the freezing, early spring water. You kick your legs and twist your body with your paddling arms. The water sloshes against your torso as the shouts begin to fade.

The large river swallows you as you drift along with it, still paddling across. There is no doubt that they could find a way across the river, but the hope is that you are faster than them.

Your breathing becomes irregular as the temperature begins to affect you. Still, you push forward. Your head begins to hurt, but you refuse to lose your focus. As this is a life or death situation, you will be choosing life.

You had to choose life. Your soulmates' lives depend on your own. If you stop where you are, damage will be the only thing done. You can't stop now.

However, the fight in your body begins to leave as you lose feeling in your limbs, your movement slowing down. Your breathing shallows and your eyes stay closed for longer periods of time with each blink. The only thing left in the race of life is your mind. It begs and pleads for your body not to shut down and succumb to the conditions, but the race is already over.

The last thought to drift across your mind is the smiling faces of your beautiful soulmates. They would never be disappointed in you.

Jimin POV:

What is up with all of the shouting? I eat breakfast, and the next thing I hear are the shouts of doctors and the sound of alarms. Of course, in the case of an emergency, I'm tied to a bed.

"Get her!" I hear one of the doctors yell.


The only thought to cross my mind is the thought of Y/n escaping. My eyebrows furrow as I try to keep calm. It couldn't be possible, right? How would she have escaped? Surely, they could have easily caught her.

I shake my head and lay it against my headboard before I hear doors opening and slamming shut. The sounds get much closer and then stop. As the air is now quieter, my confusion only increases.

Some shouts can still be heard throughout some of the nurses, but the main chaos has left the building. I once again lay my head against the board as I try to relax my thoughts. She is safe and in her bed. She did not run away from this institution.

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