" Is he dead?" Oh my god I think he's dead!" ( I lived b*tch)

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I get up to find a pen to jot down the coordinates, but before making a step, a soft cough stops me in my tracks. A foot or so behind me stands Pennyworth in full view of the bat computer.  He makes his way a little closer to me, pulls out a small notebook, and starts to write down the coordinates. I didn't say anything, and neither did he, but we exchanged small glances at one another. Finally, after a few moments of silence, he's the first to give in, " am I correct to suspect master Bruce is not aware of this development?"

Instead of looking at him, I glance again toward the screen, "  Father is not aware. Yet... How much did you hear?"

" I had just come down when I heard young master Danyal,"  he says, his name apprehensively. I nod and say in confirmation, " Yes, Danyal. Danyal Al Ghul." For the mention of the surname, I'm given a reproachful look, " He spoke of your Mother and Grandfather no longer being of the need of an "heir" and "spare." I have my doubts he is considered an Al Ghul anymore." I gracefully sit back down at the bat computer and restart the video. I let the full thing play out before I question Pennyworth, " Do you believe father will take this well?  I've kept from him the knowledge of his child?" Of my brother.

He places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, " I believe he'll be upset. Yes, but not with you, young master Damien,  at least not for long." He stops himself from continuing before thinking better of it and asking, " what was your intention of keeping the knowledge of young Master Danyal from us." I can do nothing but shrug and say, " I did not wish for Father to grieve. I was under the impression they would never meet. If I had any inkling that Danyal was alive, he would have known; I would have ensured we had done something about this."

" As long as master Bruce is aware of that, things will be fine," he says, giving me a small, sad smile, " but with that being said, I believe there are more pressing matters to attend to."

I internally grimace at the reminder. I'm about to start the next video when I glance over my shoulder, expecting Pennyworth to be there. But, instead, I'm staring at his retreating form that is almost to the elevator. He must have felt my eyes on him because he immediately turned around to say, " I believe we agreed this is a family matter, yes? So there is no better place to start than with breakfast. I believe the others should be there now; no reason to keep them waiting." 

I quickly make my way to the elevator and join him for the ride up.
When we get to the dining room, just about everyone is there. With the late patrol, no one was in the mood to go back out.

We are not morning people.

It's hard to be when we typically don't go to bed until early to mid-morning. So finding Father and Drake trying to drown themselves in coffee isn't out of the norm. " Richard drowning yourself in Cereal is Unbecoming." He mumbles into his food, " I wanna be magically delicious," as if that's a proper response. Father doesn't spare his theatrics a glance while Todd goes to assist Pennyworth with the hot food.

Besides Todd, the rest of us have been barred from the kitchen.

We started eating in silence, and throughout the meal, we gained volume. Throughout all of it, I was just waiting for an opportune time to bring up the Danyal situation, but Pennyworth beat me to it. " I believe young master Damian has something he wishes to share with you." I give him a dirty look as all attention shifts to me.

I shift in my seat," There has been something I have been keeping from you." I stare at him, saying, "Father, Mother, did not just hide me from you, but also another. My twin Danyal." Any light that was in his eyes went cold. His grip on his coffee increased, making his knuckles turn white. Richard and Todd take in my words with wide eyes, while Drake is mumbling in horror, " oh god no, theirs two of you," and plants his face in his hands.

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