Welcome to Metropolis

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The stars are dimmer in Metropolis. It's better than Gotham, for sure, but they have nothing on Amity Park or the beautiful sky above Nana Pabart.

It's strange; looking at the night sky, the stars slightly shifted. I can't get enough of it. Of the constellations, the satellites, the– I trip.

" Be more observant, Danyal," Damian chastises, having just been stepped on.

" Sorry," I say, eyes coming back down to earth. I move next to Damian as we follow the rest of the family down the street. I ask, "Who are we going to meet again?"

" The Kents, Danyal," Damian huffs.

" Okay, but who are they?"I ask.

" What do you mean?" Jason asks.

" Like, are they acquaintances, family friends?" I ask, listing the possibilities on my fingers, " Should I be expecting Dad to be, ya know, Dad, Brucie, or Father? What am I walking into?"

"What's the difference between Dad and Father?" Dick asks, confused.

" Dad is normal him. Grunts for acknowledgments but still uses words. Shows genuine emotion. While Father is only grunts and discrete sassy criticism. All orders, no fun, runs the flying furry brigade," I explain.

Tim laughs, "Mostly Dad mode then. The Kents are a bit more than family friends, more like honorary extended family."

" They have kids," Dad interjects, spooking us. " The youngest, Jon, is Damians' best friend, around your age, while Connor is around Tims."

" Ooh, best friend, huh," I say as we round a corner and approach some family-run diner," did you tell him about me?"

Damian is pensive momentarily before realizing, "That had slipped my mind. That will be rectified."

I bump him with my arm," Don't worry about it. My friends didn't know about you until I left."

" Really?" Damian asks with his eyebrow raised.

" yeah," I say, scratching my cheek, "CPS and Mr. Lawrence showed up sooner than I expected. I was doing some last-minute packing while filling them in."

Jason snorts right before a call of " Damian" comes from up ahead. A guy rushes forward and gets his arms around me, saying, " I haven't seen you in weeks !" he pulls back to see me, "You're not Damian."

Damian, with his arms crossed, says, "Obviously."

Danny is surprised at the mistake. Over the past few weeks, he's gained a little weight, his clothes no longer as baggy, but his stature is still way off, nowhere near as muscular as his brother. Danny smirks at Jon, "I'm his twin, Danny. It's nice to meet you," Jon just blinks at him. Danny adds, "You give good hugs."

I've got to admit I'm surprised by the mistake. Over the past few weeks, I've gained a little bit of weight, and my clothes fit better, but I still don't look anything like him. During my time with the Fentons, I lost the majority of my muscle mass, unable to continue training regularly. I smirk at the boy. "I'm his twin, Danny. It's nice to meet you," He just blinks at me. I add, "You give good hugs."

" I'm sorry," he spits out, letting me go, " I'm Jon."

A taller boy comes over and asks Tim, " B got another one?"

" Not exactly, Danny, this is Connor, Connor Demon Brat the Second," Tim replies.

I can't help but look back and forth between the two. They feel different. Similar in some ways but not in others. One of the adults feels off, too, the man. But I can't tell why that is– " Kids," the lady says, interrupting my thought, " come on," ushering us in.

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