Follow the yellow brick road

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I can feel us enter Gotham's airspace.

The air feels different. Saturated in dark emotions trying to latch onto me. Trying to spread the city's madness. Heavy clouds cover the sky, blocking the sunset. Looking as if it's ready to pour ink-stained rain onto the smogging city below.

This is the city my brother loves.

Already at this point, I can tell it's different from Amity. It being a small town in the middle of Illinois where everybody knows everyone. The same kids you went to kindergarten with are going to be the ones who you graduate with. The ones you will be fighting among for a date or a job, and smile and act politely when you see them at church on Sunday. There was hardly any light pollution, and the night sky was filled with stars. While with this one, you're lucky to see an inch of blue once in your life.

I hear a beep from the overhead, signaling it's time to buckle up and get ready for our descent. I buckle up, and look around the compartment, feeling others' eyes on me. They're all doing it, besides Mr. Lawrence, whispering to one another, clutching their valuables. As if, somehow, just being near them would make them go missing. The rest of the passengers are dressed nicely, each wearing expensive clothes. Why did Father have to pay for the expensive tickets? Amongst the rest, I stick out, wearing threadbare clothing covered in stains, holes, and weird fluids. I watched them as we land, scurrying to get their things and leave the plane. Only a few are left when Mr. Lawrence signals me to get up.

"  Welcome to Gotham," he says with a large smile as he hands me a bag, "Come on, let's get you home."

"Thanks," I say as I hike the bag up on my shoulder. I'll be going straight to Father's tonight. Between the time it took for the paperwork to be finished, get my documents, and wait for the flight, all the paperwork had been faxed and verified. Under normal circumstances, it would take longer to go home, but CPS had shown up recently to check out the house because of Tim, so they deemed it safe for me to go straight home.

No waiting in whatever weird foster home they'd put me in.

Lucky me.

The airport is packed full– I can easily understand how you'd lose somebody here, " Hey," I say, calling out to Mr. Lawrence, " how are we supposed to get to the house? I mean, we weren't supposed to be coming this early."

He places a hand on my shoulder, steering me towards baggage claim, " Everything is taken care of. I got in touch with your father, and he is sending someone for you."

" For me? What about you?"

He laughs and points out my bags, " Of course, your father wouldn't leave you stranded here."

" Stranded?" I ask as I grab my bags from the conveyor belt, " aren't you coming with me?"

He shakes his head as we make our way toward one of the lounges by the front door, " I have to get back to the office. just to make sure everything went through okay," his phone buzzes in his pocket. He checks it and says under his breath, " huh, my rides here," and collects his things. Lastly, he sticks out his hand for me to shake, which I do, " it was great meeting you, Danyal," and starts walking away.

" Do they know where to pick me up at?" I asked, raising my voice, but he left without answering. Sure, father won't leave me stranded, but apparently, you will.

Great, just great.

I drag myself over to a chair, annoyed. I'm in a new city, a crime-ridden city, with no knowledge of who it is exactly that I'm supposed to be looking out for. This is how you get people kidnapped, I swear to God. I don't have father's phone number, Damian's, or any of the others, and I can't pull out a communicator here. I pinch my eyes and groan, asking myself, 'what the hell am I supposed to do?' Then, with nothing better to do, I wait. Watching the steady flow of people coming in and out as the dark sky spills, creating large puddles that fill potholes with dirty water like used paint.

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