Let's play: Operation

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Some things are too good to be true.

The idea of finding a perfect family, one that doesn't pry into the past, must have been too much to ask. With my mother, my every movement was noted, reported back to Grandfather for my progress. With Jack and Maddie, I'm lucky to see them at dinner, if at all. That's one aspect I had hoped would carry over as Phantom.

But you never get everything you want.

3 weeks prior earlier

"Get back here, you ghost scum," shouts Jack, out of breath.
They've been chasing me for 3 hours. Somehow between the time I left for school and got back, they had managed to perfect a new weapon. I don't know what they plan to do with it, but getting hit would be a bad idea. They've shot it off a couple times, blasting massive amounts of electricity into the air. Why, of all things, electricity. They are always preaching human safety, and what do they do? Make a weapon that incapacitates both humans and ghosts.

' Great job, guys,' I think, rolling my eyes.

I hear the gun start to whirl to life. Without looking back, I dodge the blast, going intangible at the last second. I speed up, using a burst of energy, and sore intangibly through the sky, hoping to, this time, get out of range. I watch Maddie release the boomerang, and it comes right for me. I wait for it to get close, and then I take a nose-dive into the streets. I fly down into the sewers and pop back up a few feet away. I see the boomerang lying on the concrete, parts smashed from the impact, and Jack and Maddie on the way. I leave as quietly as possible and, while still intangible, turn back into Fenton. I fly low to the ground, weaving around buildings and cars, as I go back to Fenton works and reappear in my bedroom.

I wait for the telltale sign of them coming home. I don't have to wait for long as I hear the G.A.V. pull up in the driveway, "  you almost had it, Maddie-cakes," he says as they walk into the house, almost sounding placating.

" Almost isn't enough," she says, raising her voice, " that thing is a menace! Look at what it did today! We have to fix the boomerang again. We just did that. When will it stop, Jack, terrorizing us good people."

"Come on, you sound like you need some fudge," Jack says. Maddie doesn't respond. The next thing I hear is the lab door hinges whine as the house starts to shake when the door slams shut.

I can't help but think, 'she's gonna be down there for a while," as I stare at the full Phantom thermos.

For the next few hours, I fiddle around with homework or anything else to keep me busy as I wait for the sound of tools down below to stop. It isn't until after midnight that it does, but instead of silence, a gut-wrenching wail reverberates throughout the house. The only one's home are Jack, Maddie, and I, with Jazz staying at a friend's house. Without thinking, I immediately stop what I am doing, turn into Phantom, and fly to the basement.

I see unknown ghosts in cages, Maddie and Jack, in white hazmat suits, with face coverings looming over a restrained spirit. One of them sees me and is about to speak, so I place a finger over my lips as if saying, 'shhh.' Then, while Jack and Maddie are distracted, I open up the portal and start breaking them out of cages. I watch as they sneak out of the lab and back to the realms one by one. I had just opened the last cage when I heard, " you!" being screamed towards my back. I push the last of the ghosts out the door as Jack and Maddie reach for their weapons. Jack starts firing, completely missing me, scorching the walls. While Maddie gets in close with a knife and starts slashing. I duck under her arm and kick her feet from under her before racing to the examination table. A middle-aged woman is strapped down by her wrist and ankles with glowing ant-ecto metal cuffs.

" Behind you!" they cry as an ecto-beam flies past my face. I whip around to see Jack getting ready to take another shot. I fire off a weak one of my own, making him stagger as it clips him in the shoulder. While I'm distracted, Maddie comes up from behind me and slashes through my shoulder. The blade gets stuck in me, with Maddie's hand still on the hilt. I grab her wrist, break her hold, and take out the knife. I hit her on the side hard, and she gets pushed toward the cages. I immediately go towards the tools, grab a screwdriver, and break the woman out of the restraints. I pick her up in a princess carry and rush towards the portal. Right before we get in, I feel needles crawl up my spine as I'm hit by that weapon from earlier, being hit with a shit ton of electricity. My joints lock, unable to move, and I fall back. The woman staggers on impact and watches in fear as Jack and Maddie come closer.

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