"Why is your hair black?"

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Deku/Ray POV
"Why did I tell him?" I asked myself, it's not like I told him much... But still, not even Inko knows about what happened. He's my boyfriend but i've never told anyone. I tossed around in my bed, Shoto had left an hour ago and I haven't been able to sleep since. After a few more hours, I managed to drift to sleep.

"It's all your fault Ray!"
"Why did you let us die!"
"You could have saved us!"
"You gave up on us!"
"You should have said something sooner!"
"It's all your fault!"
"It's all your fault!"
"It's all your fault!"
"It's all your fault!"
"It's all your fault!"

I woke up with a start. Just a nightmare... It's been a common occurrence for this to happen since as long as I can remember (which is a long time). At first Inko would come and calm me down but after a month, I managed to learn to hide my pain and not worry her. The nightmares aren't wrong, I could have done something sooner... I should of... If I had, Connie, Norman (A/N: I know he's alive but Ray/Deku doesn't) and the others might still be alive... I placed my head in my arms and sobbed for the next few hours. The sun eventually rose in the sky and I left my dorm, todays Monday so I have school today. I went to the bathroom and quickly noticed that my hair was darker than usual.
"Hair dyes running out..." I whispered, I picked up the green hair dye but it was completely empty. I face planted the side before pulling the hood of my hoodie over my head. At least I have Shoto to cover for me. I texted him about my problem but he was unable to get any until tonight as he was helping Aizawa with something. I left the bathroom hood covering my head. Luckily I managed to avoid the others when I was in the main area. I quickly made my way to class, I need to find Shoto!
"Shoto!!!" I called.
"Izuku?" he asked, turning around.
"Yes!! Help!!!" I yelled panicked.
"Ok coming!" he called before walking over.
"Hi!!" I greeted, hugging him.
"Hiya, your hairs cool," he responded returning the hug. At least I'm still recognisable with black hair. Let's hope the others will recognise me...
"Todoroki I need a hand!" Aizawa called.
"Coming!" Shoto responded grabbing my hand.
"Uhh who's that?" Aizawa-Sensei asked.
"It's Midorya," Shoto replied.
"Midorya? Why is your hair black?" he asked.
"I dye it green," I replied sheepishly.
"You do?" Aizawa asked.
"Yeah," I responded.
"Ok..." Sensei said, turning back to his work.

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