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Emma Pov
Me and Norman were out shopping at the mall, not really buying anything mainly exploring. I pick up a plushie from the side and hug it as tightly as possible. Norman grabs his money from his pocket and buys the plush for me. He's always been one of my best friends I've ever had in my life. I smile at the blue eyes boy as he passes me back the plushie he was holding in his hand. It was a plushie of a giraffe. I love giraffes! For the rest of the trip, I held the giraffe toy tight in my grip. I continued walking happily around the mall. That was until I saw someone I recognised from a long time ago. He had dark black hair and eyes, (A/N he doesn't have contacts in, I just forgot to mention that earlier) I looked at him in confusion, where do I know him from?! He also seemed to be looking at me, while talking to his friend. Soon he realised I was looking at him as well. Norman and the boy's other friends were looking in between us. Norman seemed to recognise him as well. His eyes widened with shock. I finally figured out who the person I recognised actually was...
"Ray?!" I called running over to him.
"Emma!" he responded, running back over in my direction. I leaped forward, engulfing my old friend in a tight hug. Tears ran down my face as I embraced him. Norman jumped over soon after and joined the group hug. Ray's new friends eventually came over and watched us. They all look nice enough. Three of them just looked confused about what was happening but the one with half and half hair had a small smile plastered on his face. We stayed hugging for what felt like hours we finally pulled out the hug. People were looking weirdly as they passed but why should I care? I love my best friend to much to give a damn as this point. He looked different now, less emo then he used to be. Ray looked cheerful for once in his life. Don't think I've seen him happy since-I have no idea...
"I missed you..." I whispered.
"Same here..." he responded.
"Me to..." Norman told us with a smile.
"Can someone explain? I know absolutely nothing," The blue haired one asked.
"Two old friends of his," the half and half boy told him. That boy seems to know a lot more about Ray then the other four with him.
"Who are you guys?" I asked. The four introduced themselves as Todoroki, Tsuyu, Uraraka and Iida. They seemed nice enough to be friends with. How did Ray make such good friends?! I looked at Todoroki.
"Why does he know us but they don't?" I asked.
"Reasons..." Ray whispered, bright red.
"They're dating," Uraraka said.
"Huh?!" both me and Norman yelled in unison.
"Why did you tell them?" Ray said embarrassed.
"Why not?" She told us casually.
"I want to know how!" I yelled in confusion.

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