Chapter 25

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"Look!" Anna pointed at the mountains looming ahead. After treking all day through the desert, they were finally gracing us with their wonderous sight. We could make it there by nightfall if we rushed. 

Anna seemed to have the same train of thought; with an excited, hoot she kicked her horse into a run. I was more excited to finally see green again, rather than relieved to arrive at our destination. The closer we got, the more thick grasses sprouted from the sand, the more palms stood tall, casting welcomed shadows. The air grew cooler, not just because of the sun going down, but because of the moisture in the air. It was so humid, in fact, my skin had adopted a permanent film of sweat. My clothes clung to my flesh unforgivingly and made it difficult to adjust.

We stopped by a waterfall to refill our canteens. A flock of colourful birds flew over us, hurrying to their nests before dark. If this jungle was anything like the forest back home, we should follow in the birds' footsteps and find shelter for the night. Using my senses, I saw the large jungle cats patrolling the area and a phoenix or two guarding their nests. After travelling in the heat all day, I did not feel like wrestling with a jungle cat.

Using the map Sasha had drawn, I led Annalyse to the village. It wasn't like the traditional map Anna had taught me how to use; this one used landmarks, most of them being distinct trees or huge boulders. One landmark was of a creepy doll woven together with vines; its spindly finger pointed to a path that we would have missed if it weren't for its direction.

It wasn't long before a wall came into our sights. As far as walls went, it was primitive; a stack of logs, really, lain horizontally along the village boundary, held in place by poles and rope. The base of the wall was lined with spikes, pinned at a forty-five degree angle. Simple it may be, it looked strong enough to hold back a basilisk.

We approached the main gate. The warriors called out to each other from their posts above the gate, announcing our arrival. A small latch opened on the gate, revealing a man's face. He was maybe in his early thirties, but he had tufts of grey hair mixed with his dirty blonde hair and a scar that ran down the side of his face, from his temple to his jaw. He examined us with a heavy furrow on his brow.

"Is it just the two of you?" He was surprisingly well-spoken. Most of the residents I'd come across tended to slur their words and definitely had a limited vocabulary.  

"Yes," Anna answered, stepping forward. "We've come a long way. May we enter?"

Sooner was better than later. They didn't have a fifteen foot wall up to keep the bunnies away.

His gaze dashed to our left then to our right, undoubtedly checking to see if we were truly alone. "What business do two heavily armed women have with my village?"

"Sasha Remoar sent us."

All the blood drained from his face; his jaw fell slack in his shock. Knowing Sasha, that seemed like a reasonable reaction.

"Stirward!" A woman shrieked from deep within the village. "Stirward!" She was closer now, her heavy breaths coming the other side of the gate. She struggled against the warriors behind the gate then managed to pop her head in view of the latch hole. "Ye've come fer Petal?" she asked us, a certain desperation in her eyes that made my heart clench.

Anna nodded, taking another step for the gate. "We were told she is sick. Sasha asked us to bring her back to Storm Cove." 

Tears sprung in the young woman's eyes. She tossed a quick prayer up to the gods then turned to Stirwar, gripping his shoulder with the determination of a mother protecting her child. "Let 'em in. I requested Sasha's help."

There were several audible gasps from behind the gate.

Stirward looked as if she had drawn a sword on him. "Why would you do such a thing, woman? I want nothing to do wth that tyrant."

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