Chapter 28

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I stared at Grayson, shaking. Darius had Jacob. The man who murdered Brar in front of me and laughed about it had my brother. 

And then I was moving, running outside the cave, calling for Arkon. We had to get out of here. I had to get to him before that bastard hurt him-

Grayson grabbed me from behind, hauling my feet off the ground. I kicked and screamed in his grasp, desperate to escape, but he was so damned strong and had a grip like a basilisk. Arkon swooped down, landing so suddenly the ground shook and threatened to knock us off our feet. His roar vibrated through our bones. "Release her, Slayer!"

Anna rushed to stand between us and Arkon and held a hand up to him. "Stand down, Arkon! Grayson's not going to hurt her."

How could she take his side? She loved my brother almost as much as I did. How could she just stand there and do nothing while Grayson refused to let me go?

Feeling like a fool for forgiving her so quickly after the first time she betrayed me, I rammed my elbow into his ribs, stepped back, then threw him over my shoulder. He lay on his back, momentarily stunned I'd been able to overpower him. To be honest, I was a little stunned too, but I didn't let it stop me and ran for Arkon.

With cobra-like reflexes, Grayson grabbed my foot, tripping me. He climbed on top of me and held my hands above my head. "I'm sorry," he repeated over and over again. "I'm sorry, Eva." I didn't care for his apologies and tried to kick him; his legs were quick to pin mine down. With him flush against me, there wasn't anything I could do to escape. "Eva, I know you want to save Jacob, but this isn't the way to do it." His voice was soft, like he thought if he was calm, it might calm me down. Like hell it would. I tried to headbutt him, but he dodged it in time. "Eva, please."

"Get. Off. Me!"

What the hell was wrong with these people? Even Arkon had stopped fighting and sat solemnly beside Aster and Eran, watching me struggle. 

"Help me!" I cried to anyone who would listen. "We have to save him. I-I can't lose anyone else. Please don't let my brother die." I broke into a sobbing mess, but I was nowhere near done. If no one would help me, I'd save my brother by myself. I focused on my magic, on the static in the clouds above us. They rolled in darker than before, with a vengeance.

"That's enough!" Sasha barked, coming to our side. "Eva, if you don't get a hold of yourself, I will!"

"Then do it!" I screamed, almost begged. There was no chance in hell of gaining control. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but I couldn't stop myself. He was my brother, my blood, the last of everything I had. I couldn't lose him, especially not to Darius.

She kicked the side of my head. A white light flashed in front of my eyes before everything around me grew dark and hazy. I was only vaguely aware of Grayson releasing his grasp on me to attack Sasha.

Now that I'd lost connection with the magic in the air, the clouds began to slip away, opening the sky up to the vibrant blue blanket and relentless heat of the sun. The sudden brightness stung my eyes, making me cringe into myself with a groan.

After tossing a few curses at her, Grayson came to my side again, cupping my face. "Eva? Can you hear me?" His hand was so soft against my skin. I hummed at the sensation-

My head throbbed angrily. I groaned from the pain, trying to reach for my head, but Grayson took hold of of my hands gently, placing them at my sides. He lifted me up into his arms and walked over to the ocean; he went waist deep and held me while his magic swirled around me. The throb slowly faded away and everything slowly began to swim back into focus. I watched as the cut on his head closed shut. I couldn't help reaching up to the side of his face to make sure the wound was gone.

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