Chapter 30

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The sun began making its way down after we finished eating and making the finite details for the escape. It was easy to walk around the fort to find the best routes for our exit. Grayson was more concerned about the dragon we knew Darius had but we hadn't seen yet. I was more worried about getting Jacob into some armour we swiped without the guards knowing; they constantly patrolled the edge of the fort, watching inside and outside the gates. There was no break in the cycle, as soon as one left another came to take his place instantly.

I suggested a distraction. From what I'd seen, they didn't have anything that could take down a dragon, so what if Arkon flew over the fort? They'd run after him, Darius would probably leave, taking his dragon with him, which would be even better. All Arkon had to do was stay in the clouds, he'd be invisible to them, and wait them out while we snuck around the fort.

Grayson chewed the inside of his cheek, having other thoughts about my plan. "I'll get Eran to make some noise," he countered thoughtfully. "It's too risky for Arkon to be seen. Once Darius knows you're in the area, he won't let Jacob out of his sight."

I couldn't argue with him there. He knew his brother better than I did.

We stood off to the side, hiding underneath the canopy of the watchtower, waiting for everyone to quiet down for the night. Once the last of the off-duty soldiers clambered into bed, Grayson gave Eran the signal to fly over. Minutes later, Eran flew over the fort, low and growling to get everyone's attention.

Alarm bells went off. Every soldier ran to their stations, shouting orders to gather the horses and man the ballistas. We crept back into the shadows to keep from getting caught in the flurry. After minutes of everyone running around, there wasn't a single soul left. Just to make sure, I scanned the area with my senses; the courtyard was clear, and a few soldiers inside the mess hall, but they were busy in the kitchen, nothing to worry about. When I reported as such to Grayson, he nodded. "Let's move. We don't have much time."

Stealing a breath, I ran for Jacob.

Hearing me coming, Jacob lifted his head in my direction. He sat up stiffly, preparing himself for whatever came his way. He least of all expected me to hug him. Grunting, he kicked me back; I fell onto my rump. "Get your fucking hands off me, you creep."

In my excitement, I'd forgotten that he didn't know who was hugging him. I took my helmet off.

His eyes went wide. "Oh. Oh! Nononono. You can't be here, Eva." In panic, he peered around the fort for anyone to witness his escape.

I snorted, reaching for his chains. "No, 'thanks for rescuing me, Eva. You're my hero, Eva! You're an angel, Eva!' You're so sweet."

"Enough chit-chat, Eva," Grayson barked. He was standing guard, scouring the courtyard for anyone returning from their hunt. 

I whipped out my dagger, hitting the chains with the hilt. When that didn't work, I tried to pry the joints apart with the blade. Nothing I did seemed to make a difference. Sighing in defeat, I glanced at the boys. "I can't unlock them."

Grayson sheathed his sword and came over. "Keep watch. I'll get them open."

We traded places. I kept my eyes peeled for any signs of anyone leaving the kitchens-

As if waiting for this exact moment, Darius came out of absolutely nowhere and tackled me to the ground. My training kicked in before I knew what I was doing. He moved to pin me, but I tucked my foot between us, bracing it on his hip, and sent him flying overhead. I rolled to my feet and drew my daggers. 

His eyes held mine, glistening with excitement in the moonlight. He smirked, pulling out my grandfather's broadsword. "This is going to be fun."

"You bet it is," I growled. For months I had been dreading this moment, but now that he was in front of me with that nasty sneer, I was ready.

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