Chapter 26

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Anna and I woke up silently first thing and began packing our things for our trip back to Storm Cove. By the time we were ready, Abigail was waking Petal up. The poor girl looked so dazed and tired. She struggled to step into the pants her mother held out for her, despite their loose fit, and looked seconds away from teetering over.

She couldn't be any older than six years old, with fair blonde hair and a slight frame. Her button nose, those hopeful eyes, were a near match to Erika's. My heart clenched.

Abigail knelt in front of her, taking her shoulders firmly; it looked like that was all that was stopping her from collasping. She was so pale and clammy. "You'll be good for these young women, won' ye, Petal?"

She looked up at us with bleary eyes. "I don' wanna go with 'em. I wanna stay with ye."

Struggling to hold back her tears, Abigail brushed her daughter's hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. "I know, sweetie, but these women will take you to a healer. You want to feel better, don't you?"

The girl nodded, sniffling. "Mama. . ."

She reminded me so much of Erika, I couldn't bare to stand and watch her cry. I knelt in front of her, offering her a gentle smile. "My name is Eva. You see my friend? Her name is Anna. What's your name?"

Bottom lip trembling, she wiped her tears away sloppily then extended her hand. "I'm Petal. Are ye a friend of my mommy?"

"I am. Have you ever ridden a horse Petal?"

She shook her head, looking a little less distressed. "No."

"No? Then I'll teach you. Come on."

Forgetting all about her worries, she took my hand with a bright smile and followed me to the gelding I rode here. Stirward was outside with a few other villagers; a sullen expression on his face, he hobbled to Abigail and squeezed her hand. She leaned into his side, doing her best to hold a brave front for her daughter.

Petal blinked up at my gelding in awe. "She's pretty!"

"He certainly is," I corrected her gently. I was just happy to see a smile on her face. "Are you ready?"

She nodded, now more eager to ride the horse than she was scared of this trip. I gripped her sides then hoisted her up into the saddle. She giggled, swinging her feet freely. "I'm so tall!"

"Taller than me!" Anna cheered, giving the girl a goofy face. "You're as big a dragon!"

She roared in the most adorable attempt of a dragon's cry I'd ever heard--then she erupted into a coughing fit. All thoughts of fun swept away, I quickly swung into the saddle to hold her steady. Her fit went on for several minutes before she sagged against me, exhausted. The animated girl was replaced by a frail, almost ghostly-looking, girl who's life was one bitter moment away from crumbling in my arms.

Worry etched into her features, Abigail reached up to Petal with a trembling hand. "I love ye, baby girl."

I had to help her lean a little closer to her mother. "I love ye too, mama." All the air in her lungs had been sapped out of her. Her voice was hoarse, just above a whisper. "When I get back, I'll show ye how to ride a horse."

That just about broke Abigail's heart. She had to swallow the lump in her throat. "I look forward to it."

Stirward stepped up to the horse, wrapping a strong arm around Abigail. His gaze was a fierce, unrelenting force when he looked at me. "You look after her, you hear me?"

"I could say the same to you." I raised my eyebrows, daring him to say otherwise. A pink hue rose up in his cheeks when he looked down at Abigail. He cleared his throat then nodded to me.

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