♥ Chapter5♥

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Everyone starts showing up, the word got out quick. There's the pouges (us), the tourons (the tourists) and the stuck up kooks (Rafe).

Kie puts her speaker on a log and presses play on a party playlist she made.

"So you live here? It must be great, I'm Sam what's your name?" A touron asks me appearing out of nowhere in front of me, I can see Rafe over his shoulder, he's waving at me.
"Sorry, excuse me." I say to Sam and begin walk over to Rafe but on my way there my best friend appears in front of me demanding he lets him spin me around.
"Sure thing hun." I roll my eyes and JJ starts jokingly dancing with me, he spins me out and dips me even though the music doesn't fit the scenario.
"Okay loverboy that's enough." I say as I lean onto JJ because of how dizzy I am. As I rest my head on JJ's shoulder I notice Rafe is dancing with a touron girl, properly dancing. Rafes eyes meet mine and a look of worry crosses his face, he says something to the girl the starts heading over to me.
"One second Jay." I say as I walk away from him, he nods then goes over to John b.

I walk over to Rafe with an annoyed look on my face.
"Hey before you say anything did you see you that filthy pouge!?" He says raising his voice but not loud enough to draw attention to us.
"Yes Rafe I did! And trust me I felt fucking bad but he is my best friend and he asked me to dance! We were just mucking around but you and that girl-
"I don't give a shit what her name is! You two were properly dancing getting all handsy. And have you forgotten that I'm a 'filthy pouge' too?" I roll my eyes and wait for his response.
"Y/n I'm sorry but you need to understand that we were just having some fun, it wasn't anything serious. It wasn't even close to coming into interfering with us."
"Oh stop with the bullshit Rafe." I say pushing the hand that he had put on my face away.
"You're still just a kid." He mumbles under his breath rolls his eyes. I bring my hand up to slap him across the face but it's grabbed by someone. I turn my head to see who it was, of course it was JJ.
"Leave her the fuck alone!" He exclaims than pulls me away.
"What was that about?" He asks me as we walk away.
"He wanted to dance but I didn't want to." I lie and all of sudden I want to rewind the clocks and undo me Rafe meeting.
"PEDO!" JJ yells at Rafe. "He's 19 and you're 16, that's so wrong of him. But then again who wouldn't want to dance with you, you're gorgeous." He smiles and I kiss his cheek.
"Maybe more to the right next time yeah Y/n?"
"In your dreams JJ." I laugh.
"Ah well I tried." He shrugged.

"Are sure you're alright Y/n?" JJ asks for the 100th time as we stand near the keg.
"JJ. I promise, it's just Rafe being Rafe besides it's not like he did anything serious, just-
"What about my brother?" We both turn our heads to see Sarah Cameron and her stuck up boyfriend Topper.
"Well well well Sarah Cameron." I shake my head and small smile appears on my lips. Me and Sarah don't have anything against each other it's just the kook and pouge rule.......................and Kiara.

"Here Sarah, have a drink." JJ says filling up a cup and handing it to her.
"No JJ I'm good." She refuses politely but JJ keeps persisting, eventually Topper takes the drink.
"You know what man I'll have it, thanks." He says as he drinks it. And the next thing I know JJ and John b are both fighting Topper.
"Oh shit!" I exclaim taking a step back as Kie and Pope run over.
"John b! We're supposed to be Incognito remember!?" Pope yells at him as they fight.
Topper sends a hard punch across John B's face, everyone around us gasps. I run over to JJ as John b is getting completely hammered by Topper.
John b stood up shakily and tackled Topper to the ground.
"That's what I'm talking about!" JJ cheers him on.
"Let it go John b!" Pope yells
"Guys stop it!" Kie says clearly worried about John b.
"So we gonna help him or?......" I ask JJ as we stand watching.
"Y/n I don't want you to-
"Sarah control you're crazy boyfriend!" Kie cuts us off.
"Tell Y/n to control hers! He started it!"
"Hey! He is not my boyfriend!" I yell back at Sarah as I whip my head around to face her.
"Well it sure seems it like it!" I start to walk over to her but JJ grabs my arm.
"We've already got one problem, we don't need another." I nod at his point and let what Sarah said go.

Jb hits Topper in the ribs and pushes him into the ocean. They go back and forth landing punches into each others faces and ribs but suddenly Topper throws John b face down into the water and holds him there. It may be shallow but this is dangerous.
"Topper let him go!" I yell.
"Topper you'll kill him!" Sarah yells at her boyfriend.
I look at JJ with fear in my eyes, he nods at me then runs into the water, grabs Toppers neck and says something to him but after no reaction he pulls out something from his back pocket and puts it onto Toppers neck. It's the gun.
"Yeah, you know what that is." He takes it off Toppers neck and fires some shots into the air.
"Get the hell off our side of the island!"

Um slay jj, anyway I need Yous opinions. So in season 3 should I keep Sofia in or just cut her out? Comment on one of the things below to give me ur opinion.

Keep her.

Cut her.

Pls vote :)

𝑴𝒆? (𝗥𝗮𝗳𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗻 𝘅 𝐑𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora