☘︎︎ Chapter13 ☘︎︎

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JJ whistles at us to get our attention.
"Yo check this out." He nods towards towards a boat we're about to pass. "That's a Malibu 24-MXZ, worlds finest wakesetter. Number one in luxury, quality and performance. 200k easy." He lists as he drools over the boat.
"We picked the wrong parents." Pope sighs looking at the boat longingly too.
"Hate to be the one to tell you but uh....
"That's Topper and Sarah on that boat." I say finishing Kies sentence.
"Of course it's Toppers boat." Pope rolls his eyes.
Sarah pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head eyeing us up and down. I smile at Kie then we do the same, I put my sunnies further down my nose while Kie holds hers in her hand, we raise an eyebrow at the couple.

Sarah turns her head back away from us and puts her sunglasses back over her eyes.
"You don't have to act like you don't see us bitch." Kie calls us just loud enough for them to look back over at us.
"Did you see the way she gave us the up and and down?" I laugh asking Kie.
"Yes, oh my god. Like hunny I know we're fit but you got your own kooks to look at." Kie says laughing with me. I shake my head at Sarah even though she's not looking at us anymore.

John b stops the boat at our usual spot in the marsh just to chill and relax after all the drama we've had these past few days.

"Holy shit." I breath out as I sit down on the edge of the boat.
"What?" JJ asks sitting down next to me.
"I just can't believe that we. All of us. Are going on a treasure hunt, for the royal merchant." I shake my head in disbelief.
"Yeah it is pretty crazy." He nods. "And going full kook. Imagine that. Having this giant crib, not having to work. It'll be crazy." He adds.
"You reckon we'll find it?" I ask turning to face him.
"Yeah I reckon so, and if we don't then who cares. We still got each other." JJ shrugs.
"Something I would love to do as a kook is throw a kook party or go to one."
"You think their parties are better than ours?" He laughs.
"Well yeah." I shrug. "They have so much more stuff to do. Like those giant pools and just....well a lot more than us." I say as I stand up to stretch my back.
"Yeah but they're all snobs anyway."
"True." I laugh. JJ walks away randomly then immediately runs back at me talking me into the water with him.
"Jeez JJ." I say as I come up out of the water. I turn my head to see one of the Cameron's smaller boats passing us with none the less than Rafe himself driving. It was him, Kelce and some of their other friends on the boat.
"Fucking kooks aye?" JJ says looking at me shaking his head.
"Fucking kooks." I nod making eye contact with the Kook boy as he drives past us.


"Alright, we're behind enemy lines." JJ says grabbing his gun.
"Yo come on JJ." John b says as we pull up to JJs work. We're here because we don't have wifi or service and we're trying to figure out where about the "X" on the map marks.
"What? You can never be too careful." JJ shrugs just making an excuse to bring the gun.
"Hey I predict that brining a weapon into a 4 star hotel will cause more problems then they solve." Pope says shrugging. "But hey, what would I know."
JJ groans then shoves the gun into the glove box.
"Thank you." John b sighs. "Now come on."
"Can't forget my badge." JJ days pulling out a name tag. "Professional bus boy." He says showing us his name tag.
"Wow impressive." I say sarcastically.
"I know, I'm very impressive."

"Okay, this way come on." He instructs guiding us through the motel and to the kitchen.
"Andrew! What's up bro." JJ says greeting people on the way. "Mama L! Glad to see you!" He says as he try's to snatch a chip off her plate.
"No, JJ." She reprimands, smacking his hand away with her spoon.

"See they got the back up generators. Kooks don't miss a beat." He leads us through white doors. The second we entree we're all running for the computer.
"Sweet lord the internet." Pope sighs sitting down at the desk and logging on to the computer.
"Let me get in there I gotta check my Insta models." JJ says putting his bag up on the table.
"Sadly we don't have time for that." Kie says rolling her eyes.
"It's very tragic isn't it?" I smile sarcastically at him.

John b lays the map onto the table reading the coordinates to the cross out to Pope who puts them into the computer.
"Continental shelf right there." John b states anxiously.
"Well if it's off the deep end it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt is it?" Pope says more to himself then to us.
"Positive thoughts now Pope." Kie says.
"Shit that's on the high side, only 900 feet." John b says as the coordinates of the place are revealed.
"That's not deep." JJ says.
"Is that do-able or something?" Kie asks.
"Totally do-able." JJ nods.
"Hard but it's definitely do-able." I say agreeing.
"Will we be taking the personal submarine you two have?" Pope asks us.
"And how do you know this Mr Dive master?" John b asks JJ.
"The salvage yard. They got a drone that can drop a 1,000 feet. It has 360 camera and everything, it's for like deep dives and stuff." He explains.
"That's perfect we have to get it." Kie says.
"Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" John b asks.
"Well my dad got his grimy little ass fired. I guess the Salvage captain frowns upon showing up to work shitfaced." JJ answers awkwardly.

"But the drone is there." He says. "It's in the impound yard out back."
"Well I guess we're out for a bit of a mischief mission then." Kie grins.
"I guess so." I grin back at her.
"For 4 hundred mil. I'm in." John b says.
Pope stands in front of the door with his arms out trying to stop us from leaving.
"No absolutely not! Can't we do anything legal for money?"
"Come on." John b says dragging him out the door with us.

Little bit of Rafe in this chapter hardly any tho so hope u don't mind!
Pls vote :)

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