༄ Chapter11 ༄

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"This better be good." Pope says as he gets in the car after ditching work for this.
"Redfield." John b says looking back at all of us in the back. I left the front seat for Kie since she usually has it.
"She says she's not coming." John b shrugs as he walks back out of the wreck. Pope quickly jumps in the front eager to get a proper seat.
"Why?" I ask.
"John b what'd you do man?" JJ says.
"Shit." He mumbles. "Hold on I'll deal with it." He says getting back out of the van.
"Think they macked?" JJ asks.
"Maybe why would she get so upset about it if it was just the heat of the moment though?"
"Eh who knows." Pope shrugs. Before the conversation can continue John b and Kiara are getting into the van.
"Better move out of that seat Pope." I laugh as Kie opens the door to the front seat. Pope rolls his eyes and climbs back into the back.

"Look I know I was wrong about the lighthouse but I'm sure I figured something out last night, okay? Just give it a chance." John b says as he sees us all giving each other sceptical looks. "But I know I was right about one thing, my dads tryna give me a message."
"I know you guys don't believe me and I don't know if it's a curse or magic but that compass getting back to me is a sign, it means something." He continues.

"Here take these." He says handing us flashlights considering it's dark outside.
"Come on guys." I say, I feel bad for John b. He's always been there for me if I've ever needed anything , he's like a big brother to me and if he wants us to help him with something a bit delusional then I'll do it for him and if that means walking around a graveyard at night then okay.
"I'm coming, this place is just scary." Kie says as she gets out of the van, slowly catching up to us.
"John b just tell us what we're doing here." She says.
"You know how you're tryna remember a song and you can't remember who sings it?" He asks her.
"Yeah happens to Y/n like 4 times a week." She answers.
"This whole time we thought Redfield was a place but no, it's a person." John b says.
"Vio-effing-la." JJ says as his best friend shines his torch onto a tombstone.
"My great grandmother. Olivia Redfield was her name. Redfield was her maiden name." John b explains. "I was going through dads stuff and found her name hidden on the family tree." He adds. "Come help me with the door." John b says as he pushes the vines away.

Reluctantly, we all lean against the door trying to move it but it wouldn't budge.
"Come on." JJ pants, his body pushing against mine as we put all our body weight into moving this stone door.
"This door is like 700 pounds. It's not gonna move." Pope states.
Our feet begin sliding through the dirt beneath us but it's not us slipping that makes us move away, it's a loud hiss that sends us all flying. A large snake slithers out from tomb and onto the ground around us.
"That's a moccasin, alright. Ye ole Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in tall grass." JJ informs us all. I have an incredible fear of snakes, I hate them more than anything and honestly I have a fair reason, my dad was bitten by a snake when I was kid, he didn't die from it but nearly did kill him.
I run over to John b and stand behind him, he puts his arm out in front of me trying to make me feel safe.
JJ starts barking loudly at it and he won't stop.
"JJ shut up!" Kie whisper yells at him.
"You're gonna wake the dead man." Pope says which makes me laugh a little.
"What, they're afraid of dogs everyone knows that." He shrugs. I let out a big sigh and lean into John bs chest.
"What's up with Y/n?" JJ asks.
"She's got a massive fear of snakes." John b says, I hadn't bothered to tell anyone unless the subject came up and one day it came up with John b so I told him.
"Seriously?" JJ laughs.
"Dude don't. It's not funny, it's a full on phobia." John b says as he rubs my shoulder.
"Oh." He pauses. "Sorry Y/n." He smiles weakly.
"It's fine." I say standing back from John b.

John b goes to push the door again but JJ stops him.
"Wait hold on."
"Where there's one there's probably dozens." He says and then of course starts to bark again. Despite our protests and warnings he continues to bark.
"What are you a fucking a furry!?" I say hoping that'll make him stop and it does but he gives me the dirtiest look when he catches my eye.
"Hey man that's what I'm gonna call you if you keep barking at snakes." I shrug, he grabs my arm and pulls me close then barks in my ear. In shock I slap him in across the face.
"Oops. Sorry." I say clearly not sorry.
"You're a bit full on sometimes you are." He laughs.
"That's a lot coming from you." I roll my eyes.

"Look hate to break this up but we need to get back to moving that 700 pound stone." Pope says.
"I reckon I can fit." Kie says.
"What?" John b asks.
"No no no. It's probably filled with snakes and how are you supposed to fit through the hole? No." John b answers.
"It's fine, seriously." There's a pause and then Kie begins to speak again. "Look this about your dad, and honestly I don't believe any of it but you deserve the truth." She stands there waiting for John b to answer.
"Yeah alright fine." John b nods.
"Okay." Kie nods.
All four of us lean against the stone pushing it as much as when we can and when there's a little gap up the top JJ puts his hands together and boosts her up.

The next chapter awaits!

If I can be bothered writing it
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