᯽Chapter25 ᯽

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A few hours later I get a text from John b saying to meet at the Chateu soon. That meant he had to of left Tannyhill right?

Rafe carefully walks me down the stairs as quietly as possible and takes me to the back door.
"Holy shit I don't think I've ever been here for so long when other people apart from us were here." I breath out as he opens the door.
"Yeah I know. Okay uh be careful, I'll see you soon." He says back and kisses me on the cheek.

"You're staying at where?" Kie asks after John b told us where he was staying.
"Tannyhill." He nods. Everyone looks around in shock, me trying to act like I don't already know.
"So you're living with Sarah Cameron?" She asks with a pointed look.
"The only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out."
"It's good for him. Would you rather our friend be in foster care than stay with Sarah, Kie?" I ask annoyed but understanding why Kie was getting so pressed about it.

"So do you have like a club membership now?" Pope asks after a bit of silence.
"I hope so." John b laughs in response. "Probably not though."
"What about one of those little golf carts they drive around? Get one of those?" JJ asks, acting like he's driving a golf cart.
"Does it come with a sweater vest or do you have to buy them on your own?" Pope continues.
"Look you promised you weren't with her. You practically chose her over us." Kie sighs to which I shake my head in disagreement.
"Just own it bro. She got you." JJ says, leaning across me to try and grab my water.
"Dude get your own." I say, flicking his hand away.
"Sharing is caring." He smiles.
"I share a room with you enough JJ, I think that's pretty caring."
"Exactly." He nods, leaning one last bit further and grabbing my water.

"Look if you wanna hang out with her that's fine but I'm not doing anything that involves Sarah Cameron." Kie states getting the subject back on track.
John b looks at all of us in shock, visibly annoyed.
"Do you see her here Kie? No right. So just a little focus please." He says trying to make us hear him out which I'm honestly all ears to. "Good. Okay so we've got the map." He says pulling it out of his bag.
"Yeah but it's all whacked because the guy was ganja'd when he drew it." JJ says looking at the map.
"It's because the coast changed." Kie says.
"So we have to look for landmarks that haven't changed." Pope adds.
"Yup." I nod.
"What about the old forts?" John b asks.
"Battery Jasper." Kie says.

"We're in battery right here, so if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of right here." Pope says.
"Somewhere there." Kie points to the way we're facing out over the rocks.
"Over there? That's not Tannyhill that's subdivision." JJ says.
"Tannyhill plantation was the whole island, over time it got sold into smaller pieces." I explain.
"So we're just looking for an old stone wall?" Pope asks as he looks back at the map.
"Guess so." I shrug. "Wanna play I spy?" I ask. We all smirk then jog back over to the van to go and drive around Figure 8 to look for a goddamn stone wall.
"Okay so the road splits up here." Pope informs, for once sitting in the front seat as he reads off the map to John b.
"Okay." John b nods.
"So you're gonna take a left here." Pope directs.

"That looks like a stone wall to me." JJ says as John b stops the car.
"This is it." Pope agrees.
"Well? What are we waiting for?" I slide the door open and go to get out when I realise which house is in front of us.
"Not the Crain house." We all groan.
"Worse case scenario." JJ sighs.
"Why here of all places?" Pope says, annoyed.
"Because the world makes everything hard." I complain.

"I heard Mrs Crain buried her husbands head on the property." JJ says to us as we all get out of the van.
"What a wonderful time to be talking about this." I say disgusted and a little nervous.
"Just sayin." JJ shrugs.
"Look you guys know who's house this is right?" Kie asks as she climbs over to stone wall.
"Oh yeah no I do." JJ nods.
"I think we all do." I say, flicking the hair tie on my wrist in angst.
"Honestly I don't really believe the stories about this place." John b shrugs.
"You do too you just don't want too." I say, remembering back to the time we first heard stories about this place John b was going on about it all night.
"Which stories have you heard?" JJ asks Kie knowing him, me and Jb have all heard the same ones.
"The one where she killed her husband with an axe and she's been held up ever since. And when the moon is full you can see her in your window." Kie answers moving her hands around in an unserious manner.
"No Kie, it's not funny. Because it's all true, I swear to God I knew Hollis." JJ says looking at all of us. I jump out in front of him to which he flinches. "I'll get you back for that Y/n."
"I'll be waiting." I laugh.

"Wait you knew Hollis Crain?" John b asks.
"Yeah dude." The blonde nods.
"How did you know Hollis Crain?" Pope asks looking back at us.
"She was my babysitter man. She told me all about it. Told me the truth...about her mother and what happened in this house. So as a kid she heard all kind of stories about her mother killing her father and that she was a murderer and all. Hollis never believed it, until one night it all came back to her. When Hollis was six years old she heard her parents were arguing downstairs. So she goes down there to see her mother washing her hands in the sink full of blood. Her mother just says she cut her finger. The next morning her mother says her and her father split up, but then Hollis notices something. Her mother going into the parlour constantly, in and out in and out, with plastic bags too. Weeks pass and Hollis decides to use the outhouse. And as she's using it she looks down and sees her fathers head staring right back up at her."

Wow scaryyy
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