Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

It had been a full week.

A week since everything happened. But it felt like so long ago.

I haven't spoken to Rafe at all. He hasn't tried to contact me or get ahold of me. Sarah's ignoring me too.

My mind raced with different story's he could have been telling people. I've already started getting weird looks from people I barely know.

I've seen Topper and Kelce at The Wreck. But they treat me the same way Rafe did.

I couldn't understand how easily people could switch up until I got pregnant. Even if it was just dirty looks and whispers once they had passed me, I used to be friends with some of these people. It hurt.

School was the worst. News spread quickly around the island. So now the privilege of having a name was taken and I'm just known as, the pregnant girl. I mean it had only been a week how shallow are these people? What did they want me to do?

I had thought about the alternative but, I don't think I could get an abortion. I wouldn't be able to handle it. And adoption wasn't an option. There's no way I could go on knowing I had a child somewhere in the world.

The Pogues had been there for me though. Kiara and JJ helped me clean out what was JJs old room and helped move what little I had in.

I told them they didn't have to do that but they insisted. I took a minute to get to know Big John considering he was letting me stay in his house. It turns out he was on a year long trip. Something about a boat and gold. I tried to keep up but he told me a lot of stuff that didn't make sense with only 2 hours of sleep.

He was a nice man though. He made us breakfast every morning before school and made sure we had dinner when we got back.

He said he'd be leaving again for about 2 weeks in a few months and wanted to make time up with John B.

As thankful as I was for them, I couldn't help but feel terrible. Mentally I was battling trying to figure out the next move. I mean I'm bringing a whole new life into this world I have to move on. But Rafe won't leave my head. I still have hope he'll change his mind. I knew I couldn't force him though. Emotionally I was a wreck. I mean I had thousands of hormones crashing around in my body (which Pope continued to point out) and was still dealing with losing my mother, my boyfriend, and finding out I'm pregnant. I cried over everything. I couldn't stop. I'm always fucking crying.

And I mean physically... let's just say I've already puked on JJ twice. I feel like the crying is just making me more nauseous but it just won't stop.

I felt terrible.

So, I'm now sat In my brand new room, feeling sicker than ever, wishing I could go back to a few weeks ago.

Kiara had her mom go to the store and get me all my vitamins and stuff. She also said she was willing to take me to all my appointments. She's a literal life saver.

"Hey you ok?" John B peaked his head in.

"Yea I'm good." I cleared my throat.

"I brought you some water." He said with a smile.

"Thank you." I told him. I took a big drink of the water and set it on my side table.

"Dad made hash browns if you want some. Also JJs almost done in the bathroom whenever you need it." He said.

"Thanks B I'll be out in a little bit." I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes sitting up.

I wanted to wear as many revealing clothes as possible before I started to show. It was a little hard at school because dress code, duh.

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