Chapter 2

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(I know I normally put this at the end and I still might, but can we just talk about how Kiara is for real running through the whole crew. Like I know we've all seen the new trailer and we know that there's definitely something going on between her and JJ. But we can also see her with Rafe and I'm like bitch you couldn't leave no one for us?? You just had to do that didn't you? Idk I'm butt hurt but whatever. Like come on you could have had Topper. But no. Anyways I'm excited.)

Y/n's POV

I was officially 2 months pregnant today. Today was also the first official party of the summer.

None of the Pogues were here. They were all out having fun being teenagers, while I sat at home with big John watching two middle aged women cook chocolate fondue.

"You think I should go back to school next year?" I asked big John as I munched on the ice cream he bought me. He was trying to cheer me up because I can't go to the party.

"Why wouldn't you?" He asked.

"I just feel like, by that time Rafe will be back, maybe... but even though he won't be in school anymore most of his friends will. And I mean even the last 2 weeks were terrible for me. No one likes me anymore and I really don't want to walk around school with a huge bump in front of me." I explained.

"Well here's the thing. You don't have to go back to public school, but just as I told all of John Bs friends, if I let them come over here they have to do good in school." He said and I chuckled.

"JJs in deep shit then." I giggled and Big John shook his head.

"Regardless of that, with you living here the same rules apply. We could rent a computer from the library and you could do online classes." He suggested.

"Plus you have a little baby to look after now. You can't get much of a job without a high school diploma. And when they get older and you tell them how hard you worked for them they'll be so happy and so proud. But no you don't have to go back to school if you don't want to." He told me.

"You think there's like programs I could start now? Even though it's summer?" I asked him.

"I'm sure we could find something. We can stop by the library tomorrow after work to get you a computer. Until then I want to figure out how to make this chocolate stuff it looks delicious." He said causing me to chuckle.

"It does look amazing." I drooled.

It wasn't very late, only like 8 but considering they were at a party the night had just begun. I had such mixed emotions.

I wanted to feel bad for myself but then felt guilty because I'm the cause of this situation. We all know I didn't do this by myself but, now I am.

I sighed and leaned my head on big johns shoulder. He gave me a fatherly kiss on the forehead before patting my back and sighing.

"Everything will be ok." He said and I stayed quiet.

I had finished my ice cream ages ago and now the only thing to do was watch the tv.

Big John ended up falling asleep on the couch. I was gonna go to my room, but I didn't want to be alone. So I stayed in my spot watching reruns of The Real World.

I felt myself getting sleepy, so knowing how the Pogues worked, I pulled out water bottles and a bottle of Tylenol, putting it on the table not knowing where they were all gonna crash.

Then I went back to my spot and fell asleep.

Kiara's POV

This party was in full swing. Drinks, weed, coke, couples arguing then making out, people fighting and dancing all at the same time. Like any other party.

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