The Plan

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After Hannah had the best sleep of her life, she headed to school. She couldn't wait to tell all of her friends the news. Almost every single one of her friends was asking and taking guesses, but she turned them all down. Mason even asked if she was pregnant and she of course denied it and then proceeded to hit him with her binder.

It was finally lunch. Hannah was finally going to tell all of her friends the amazing news. She could hardly sleep last night just thinking of the news and just wanted to tell everyone she knew.

Everyone took their seats at the lunch table and impatiently waited for Hannah to tell them the news.

"So I know you've all been waiting for this news. So I'll skip the details. I inherited my uncle's lake house property!" Hannah said practically screaming.

"Oh my god, that's amazing!" Charlotte squealed.

"You're joking," Julianna says shockingly.

"Congratulations!" Thomas says.

"Oh my gosh. That's awesome!" Shawn congratulates.

Hannah waited for Mason to say something but she looked over at him and he was smiling. She just ignored it because he's Mason.

"That's not even the best part. It's six bedrooms and four bathrooms, and there's a small yacht, and there's two acres of property." Hannah continues.

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Mason asks.

They all just look at him confused.

"We can make it our party house. Maybe even spend the whole summer there." Mason suggests.

"I would love to but my mom is not going to allow me to let me and all my friends live together for the whole summer," Hannah says.

"Then come up with a lie," Mason says.

"Why don't we all say we're going to summer camp the whole summer?" Julianna suggests.

"Jules that's really smart, but my mom's not going to send me to some random summer camp," Hannah says.

"That's why we make it believable," Thomas suggests.

"And how do we do that?" Hannah asks.

"We can make fliers," Shawn suggests.

"I can make them," Charlotte says.

"Ok make them in art class, they have all the supplies to make it there," Hannah says to Charlotte and she nods her head in response.

After lunch, they all went on their group chat and started to talk about this summer. Everyone could not wait to follow through with their plans when they went to their last period they checked the clock every thirty seconds. Then it happened, the last bell of the school year rang and everyone practically ran out of class.

Today everyone was riding with Mason so his car was crammed. There were six of them and five seats in Mason's car. Hannah obviously called shotgun and Charlotte sat on Thomas' lap. Everyone questioned this, but they both denied it and said it was only because there were no other seats. They have all been spectating for the last couple of months that something is happening between them and they both just keep on denying it.

"Char, did you finish the fliers?" Hannah asked propping her feet on the dash of Mason's car. In response, Mason just looked at her and shook his head.

"Yes, I printed us all a copy," Charlotte says handing everyone a copy.

"Thanks, you're the best Charolette," Hannah says and Charlotte smiles in response.

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