The Arrival

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Today's the day; Hannah thought. The day all six of them would move into a house together for the rest of the summer.

Hannah could not wait. She had packed practically her whole bedroom. She packed two suitcases, three duffel bags, and a backpack that was full of the stuff she was going to bring. Hannah made sure to grab all of her dad's alcohol that he had left from her parents' divorce.

Hannah grabbed all her stuff and it was time to leave. Mason had texted her saying that he was at her house. Before she walked out of the door, she went over to her mom to say goodbye.

"I'll miss you," Hannah says to her mom.

"I'll miss you too. Make sure to call me when you get there and text me as much as possible." Hannah's mom says to her.

"I'll try but they only allow phones on weekends and from 7-8:30 pm on weekdays." Hannah lied. She did not want to text her mom every second of the day and interrupt her partying time with her friends.

"Okay. Hopefully, we can arrange a visit at least once this summer." Hannah's mom says.

"I'll try and see," Hannah says partially lying.

"Okay have a safe trip. I love you." Hannah's mom says getting teary-eyed.

"I'll be fine Mom," Hannah says hugging her mom.

"Goodbye." Hannah's mom says after Hannah broke up their hug.

"Bye, mom. Love you." Hannah says picking up her bags and heading for the door.

Hannah heads outside and sees Mason sitting in his car impatiently. She rolls her eyes at him and gives her house one last look. See you at the end of the summer; Hannah thought to herself.

Mason got out of his car and helped Hannah with her bags. He started to carelessly throw them in his trunk.

"Be careful those have glass bottles in them," Hannah warned.

"Sorry, it's not my fault you packed eighteen bags," Mason replied.

"You realize we're going to be there for three months. This is three months' worth of stuff." Hannah says motioning towards her bags in the trunk.

"Whatever," Mason replies, causing Hannah to roll her eyes.

Mason picked up Jules, Shawn, and Thomas and it was finally time for the last stop, Charlotte.

Charlotte put her bag in the trunk and rolled her eyes when she opened the car door and saw that all of the seats were taken, everyone in the same seats as a couple of days before.

"Are you serious?" Charlotte says.

"Why does it matter you'll just sit on Thomas' lap anyways," Jules says making everyone snicker.

"I mean I wasn't planning on it but I guess now I have to because there are no more seats," Charlotte complains.

"We all know you are secretly jumping for joy right now," Shawn says making everyone in the car giggle.

"I'm not jumping for joy," Charlotte says aggressively.

"Char calm down," Hannah says.

"Yeah get in, we don't have all day. This car ride is two hours long." Mason adds.

Charlotte rolls her eyes and sits on Thomas' lap. Everyone else gives each other the look and the road trip begins.

Since everyone was bored from being in the car they started to do some road trip car games. It was now time for Jules' turn for eye spy.

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