The Unexpected Visitor

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Everyone had woken up by noon and started their day as usual. They had their breakfast and had gotten ready for the day. They still all had secrets roaming around but they all felt it wasn't the appropriate timing to address it.

They were all lounging and relaxing in the living room when they heard a knock at the door.

They weren't expecting any visitors so they were a bit confused when they heard the knock. They were all looking at each other to see who would be willing to get up and answer the door. Since no one was budging, Thomas got up and took one for the team.

When he opened the door he was met with a familiar face.

Jake Smister, aka Jules's boyfriend.

"Hey Thomas, how are you?" Jake asks.

"I'm doing good. Would you like to come in?" Thomas says.

"Yeah, thanks." Jake replies and walks into the house. "So, where's Jules?"

"She's in the living room with everyone else. Follow me." Thomas says as he gestures to him in the direction of the living room.

Jake and Thomas enter the room, making everyone turn to look at them. They were all shocked to see Jake standing there as he left them no notice that he was coming. 

Jules was, especially shocked to see him after the events of the other night. Mason, Hannah, and Shawn all gave each other the look.

"Hey Jules, I missed you." Jake says with a warm smile that Jules doesn't mimic.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming." Jules says getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, sorry guys for the unexpected visit.  I wanted it to be a surprise." Jake says apologizing to the group.

"It's all good. You're welcome to come whenever you want." Hannah says.

"I think it would be best if we give them a minute to catch up." Shawn says knowing that Jules will hate him for it.

The rest of the group agrees with Shawn and leaves the room. Which just leaves Jules, Jake, and the untold secrets in the living room.

"So, how's your summer been?" Jake asks Jules.

"It's been good." Jules replies coldly.

"Yeah? What have you been up to?" Jake says trying to keep the conversation going.

"Oh you know, this and that." Jules replies bluntly.

"Cool. Is everything all right?" Jake asks.

"Yeah it's all good I'm just tired." Jules lies.

The rest of the group was eavesdropping from the other room. They decided that their conversation was too awkward and dry so they needed to step in.

"Jake, can I offer you a drink?" Hannah asks breaking the awkward silence.

"Uh, sure." Jake says a bit awkwardly.

"Come on man, I'll get you a beer." Mason says and gives Jake a pat on the back.

After Mason and Jake leave for the wine cellar, Hannah and Shawn do not pass up the opportunity to ask Jules about her affair.

"Is there something wrong?" Shawn asks Jules while he separates the three of them from Charlotte and Thomas.

"I'm fine." Jules replies simply.

"Obviously something's up. You haven't been acting yourself recently and that conversation with Jake was the most tense conversation I've ever heard." Hannah says.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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