5. 너만 밖에없다 나

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너만 밖에없다 나
I have nothing but you


It turned out that Bae Rona eventually sat beside Seokhoon's seat like where she originally would. Seok-kyung whose seat was in front of Seokhoon honestly didn't feel at ease with the arrangement, but had to endure it during the whole maths class session. They came back a bit late to class, but fortunately due to their status as JkHolding owner's children the teacher welcomed them nevertheless.

As soon as the bell rang, Seok-kyung stood up and come to Seokhoon. Her presence captured his attention and looked up.
"What? You want to see my maths excercise's answer?"

Seokhoon's hand was searching for the paper of his answer in the stack of a few books.
Seok-kyung widened her eyes at his response. She quickly catches his wrist, stopping him before shaking her head.
"Ani. What do you take me for?"
She put her arm across her chest and frowned as if she was offended by his assumption. Well, she was a bit offended actually.

Seokhhon could only raise his eyebrow and wait for her next words.
"Let's exchange our seats."

Seokhoon raised his eyebrow at her sudden weird request. He stared at his twin as he waited for her further additional explanation, but she didn't say anything after that. He cleared his throat before responding.

"uh okay, let's do that."

He stood up and moved his books and bag to Seok-kyung's seat before putting her bag to the table. Seok-kyung sighed. She, then, peeked beside her where Rona was sitting. To her surprise, that girl was watching her and Seokhoon openly. It's also obvious how she threw them a cold sinister glare. Seok-kyung wanted to warn her for staring like that at her, but she didn't want to attract attention. She also didn't want to be associated with Rona at all, so she ignored that girl.

At the end of the last class session, the rich kids in that class started to make trouble again against Bae Rona. No other than Jenny uttering some provoking sentences about Rona's current house which was Min Seola's apartment. Seok-kyung, who held on to her principle of avoiding being related to Rona in any way headed straight out from the class-followed by Seokhoon.

"You've been a bit weird for a while. Are you okay?"

Seokhoon decided to speak up about what's been troubling his mind lately-while watching his twin sister pack things in her locker.

"What's weird? I'm just fine."
Seok-kyung replied without pausing her activity.

"No Seokkyung-ah, you become too quiet. It is scaring me. I'm afraid something's wrong with your head after that lake incident."

Seok-kyung closed and rotated the key to her locker before facing Seokhoon who looked concerned. She exhaled a deep breath as she was annoyed at his over worry.

"What do you mean by too quiet? So, am I supposed to talk loudly and scream like a crazy girl? And attract the attention of people here?"

"It's not what I mean."
Seokhoon exhaled his frustration as his hand moved to push back his bang.

"I'm worried that you are affected by Min Seola's death. It's not your fault Kyung-ah. We-you didn't kill her."

Seokkyung down casted her eyes. Min Seola's death was one aspect that affected her changing behaviour as well. Her real twin was dead because of the bad nature of those rich adults in bullying people. Seok-kyung also did bully her before her death. She did add misery to Seola's poor short life. Sometimes, she wondered why someone as bad as her was given another chance of life.

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