9. 여행

181 14 5

The Trip

The solo performance that had been troubling Seok-kyung emotionally was finally done, in a rather successful remark. Seok-kyung smiled after bowing down to the audience, hand in hand with Seok-hoon. Being on the stage surely a bit blinding, with those glaring spotlights on her and with the applause from the spectators. It somehow made Seok-kyung feel alive, which she hadn't ever felt for her whole life. Her big feline-like eyes flickered with emotions again for a few seconds, that's when Seok-hoon squeezed her hand mouthed 'you did well' words which she only responded with a little smile and nod.

"Dad gives us permission to have a trip to Busan for the weekend since we did well on the performance", Seok-hoon muttered when they were already in the car, on the way home. His words made Seok-kyung who was playing with her phone turn her face to him, with a raised eyebrow.

"Busan? What do you mean? why'd we go to Busan?"Seok-kyung furrowed her eyebrows as she waited for her brother to explain.

"I asked him for a break. I thought you wanted to see the beach and sea. It will be relaxing for you", the boy said. Seok-kyung tilted her head when observing her brother in a trying-to-figure-out gaze.

"I did not remember I ever said I want to see the beach and sea, how'd you figure that out?"

"You stared at beach pictures on your phone yesterday"

"You peeked at my phone?", Seok-kyung squinted her eyes, but then she just chuckled when it looked like Seok-hoon was ruffled by her response.

"Heh, you were playing with your phone right beside me", Seok-hoon shook his head with a bit of amusement after Seok-kyung chuckled. For a second, he had been afraid that she would make a fuss about him peeking at her screen, remembering how temperamental his younger sister can be sometimes.

"Well, yeah. So, when will we go? tonight? tomorrow morning?", Seok-kyung leaned back on the seat. Suddenly she got pretty excited for the trip. It's been ages since she went to a trip, especially with Seokhoon. She couldn't really recall when was the last time she even spent a nice quality time with him, in the past life.

"Ani- Let's go tonight Oppa. and let's not bring a driver. Night drive is fun", Seok-kyung said even before Seok-hoon could answer her previous question.

"It is fun because you just sit in the passenger seat, silly.", Seok-hoon made a clicking sound with his tongue and showed a wry expression, which made his sister laugh lightly because what he said was right. Seok-kyung would just enjoy the ride, while Seok-hoon had to drive from Seoul to Busan, as she suggested not bringing a driver with them. However, despite what he said, actually Seok-hoon was open to do as she wanted. They really need time away from their father scrutinising eyes.

"Fine, let's go tonight then", he added in the end and smiled to himself when Seok-kyung was being all cheerful for the time being.


Just like that, Seok-kyung rushed to pack her things for the weekend trip with Seok-hoon. Without waiting any longer, they departed from the house. During the drive, Seok-kyung enjoyed the ride, she even sang out loud without trying to sing well. It made Seok-hoon shake his head when he had to endure his younger twin pouring her heart out with her bad singing.

"I can't believe you can sing this badly", Seok-hoon muttered from his seat while still focusing on the road ahead. His 'nasty' comment made Seok-kyung turn her head to him, complete with her frown. Obviously, the girl was not pleased with his words.

"What did you say?", she squinted her eyes at him, "How can you say such a nasty thing about my voice?"

"What? I did not say anything", Seok-hoon shrugged, pretending that Seok-kyung just misheard things, but the suppressed smile on his lips gave it away.

"Heyy, don't be like that", Seok-kyung caught his suppressed laughter which made her hit him on the forearms. He just chuckled lightly as a response to her action. Clearly, her small hitting did not hurt him at all. His reaction only gauged more hitting from her along with some complaints.

"Stop it Seok-kyung, I'm driving", He ended up laughing and tried to stop his sister.

"I'll save it for later, then," Seok-kyung complied although she still seemed to want to do more. Then she leaned back to her own seat. Her words invited a terrified glance from her twin brother but he did not say anything.

After 2 hours driving, they were still halfway from the destination. Seok-kyung glanced at her twin brother with slight concern.

"Oppa, Aren't you tired? want me to drive from here?"

Seok-kyung asked when Seok-hoon just came back from the mini-market to buy snacks and drinks. He had a cup of coffee in his hand when he came back in the car.

"You? driving? No Seok-kyung, I still want to live", Seok-hoon replied and slammed the car door closed. Although he did not openly laugh, but Seok-kyung can hear a teasing in his voice. He was more and more different from the twin brother that she knew in the previous life.

"Hey! I can drive well too, y'know", Seok-kyung hit his forearm again and frowned, after she regained herself from the speechless state she got from his lighthearted reply.

Seok-hoon unexpectedly just laughed it out before putting his coffee on the cupholder between their seats. He faced her with a little smile.

"No, you can't drive well at all"

Seok-hoon gazed at her in silence for a while. In that brief moment, although he was giving a slight smile to her, she felt like she saw a glint of sadness in his eyes. It puzzled Seok-kyung but before she can say anything back, he cleared his throat and looked to the front again while sipping his coffee.

"Um... but you look tired. I don't think it's a nice idea to make you drive for another 2 hours now", Seok-kyung thought and spoke to her twin brother.

"It's already almost midnight as well, you need to rest too. We've done a lot of things today". She added in the end. They were already so busy for days preparing for today's performance, and he hadn't had a good amount of sleep too last night.

After her words, Seok-hoon seemed to think and consider something. Then, he nodded and spoke.

"Alright, you're right. But I still don't want you to drive. How about we stay at a hotel until tomorrow morning?"
He suggested.

Without any further notion, Seok-kyeong agreed, although she still wanted to complain about why he really sounded not trusting her driving skill. It was not that she was about to crash their car or something anyway.

"Okay, we still have enough time for our trip anyway", Seok-kyung nodded.


It's been a long time
Here's a short chapter I finally finished. It's not much but I hope you enjoy my little scribble.
Thanks to you who read, vote and even commenting that you like my writing :))
It trully means a lot to me!

See you on the next chapter 👋😉

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